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aðalframkvæmdastjóri ráðs Evrópusambandsins
Secretary General of the Council of the European Union [en]
Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union [en]
generalsekretær for Rådet for Den Europæiske Union [da]
generalsekreterare för Europeiska unionens råd [sæ]
secrétaire général du Conseil de l´Union européenne [fr]
Generalsekretär des Rates der Europäischen Union [de]
host lease contract [en]
aðalskrifstofa ráðs Evrópusambandsins
General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union [en]
GSC [en]
General Secretariat of the Council [en]
Generalsekretariatet for Rådet for Den Europæiske Union, Generalsekretariatet for Rådet, GSR [da]
generalsekretariatet vid Europeiska unionens råd, rådets generalsekretariat [sæ]
secrétariat général du Conseil de l´Union européenne, secrétariat général du Conseil, SGC [fr]
Generalsekretariat des Rates der Europäischen Union, Generalsekretariat des Rates [de]
aðgerðaáætlun Evrópusambandsins um löggæslu, góða stjórnunarhætti og viðskipti á skógræktarsvæðum
Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Action Plan [en]
FLEGT [en]
Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade [en]
retshåndhævelse, god forvaltningspraksis og handel på skovbrugsområdet, FLEGT [da]
skogslagstiftningens efterlevnad samt förvaltning av och handel med skog, Flegt [sæ]
application des réglementations forestières, gouvernance et échanges commerciaux, FLEGT [fr]
Rechtsdurchsetzung, Politikgestaltung und Handel im Forstsektor, FLEGT [de]
aðildarríki Evrópusambandsins
European Union Member State [en]
Member State of the European Union [en]
EU Member State [en]
Member State of the EU [en]
aðildarríki sem er komuríki inn í Evrópusambandið
Member State of arrival in the European Union [en]
aðili sem ekki tengist Evrópusambandinu
aðili sem ekki tengist ESB
non-European Union-related body [en]
non-EU-related body [en]
room for dispatching [en]
derivative contract [en]
afleiðusamningur vegna útlánaáhættu
credit derivative contract [en]
aflnotkun í lausagangi
no-load condition electric power consumption [en]
no-load condition power consumption [en]
take-or-pay contract [en]
take or pay contract [en]
almenna, þráðlausa boðkerfið
land-based radio paging system [en]
alþjóðapóstsamningar (Lausanne)
Universal Postal Convention and Related Agreements (Lausanne) [en]
alþjóðleg stefnusamræming
international policy coordination [en]
international policy co-ordination [en]
coordination internationale des politiques [fr]
internationale politische Koordinierung [de]
Anchusa crispa Viv.
Anchusa crispa Viv. [en]
Anchusa crispa Viv. [la]
orange juice [en]
atvinnugreinaflokkun Evrópusambandsins
atvinnugreinaflokkun Evrópubandalaganna
Nomenclature of Economic Activities in the European Union [en]
NACE [en]
Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Union [en]
Nomenclature of Economic Activities in the European Communities [en]
Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community [en]
statistisk nomenklatur for økonomiske aktiviteter i Den Europæiske Union, statistisk nomenklatur for økonomiske aktiviteter i Det Europæiske Fællesskab [da]
statistisk näringsgrensindelning i Europeiska unionen, statistisk näringsgrensindelning i Europeiska gemenskapen [sæ]
nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans l´Union européenne, nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne [fr]
statistische Systematik der Wirtschaftszweige in der Europäischen Union, statistische Systematik der Wirtschaftszweige in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft [de]
occupational history [en]
Aþenusamningurinn um flutning farþega og farangurs þeirra á sjó
Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea [en]
Athens Convention [en]
áhættusamt þriðja land
high-risk third country [en]
højrisikotredjeland [da]
Drittland mit hohem Risiko [de]
áhættusamur viðskiptamaður
high-risk customer [en]
á virkan og afdráttarlausan hátt
actively and unreservedly [en]
áþreifanlegir lausafjármunir
movable tangible property [en]
løsøregenstand [da]
beweglicher körperlicher Gegenstand [de]
áætlun Evrópusambandsins í menningarmálum
European Agenda for Culture [en]
áætlun Evrópusambandsins um atvinnumál og félagslega nýsköpun
European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation [en]
EaSI [en]
áætlun Evrópusambandsins um sjálfbæra þróun
áætlun ESB um sjálfbæra þróun
European Union strategy for sustainable development [en]
EU strategy for sustainable development [en]
áætlun Evrópusambandsins um skóga
forest strategy for the European Union [en]
áætlun um Evrópusamstarf um skóla 21. aldarinnar
Agenda for European Cooperation on Schools for the 21st century [en]
Bandalag landssamtaka fiskveiðifyrirtækja í Evrópusambandinu
Association of National Organisations of Fishing Enterprises in the European Union [en]
Europêche [en]
Sammenslutningen af Nationale Fiskeriorganisationer i EU [da]
sammanslutningen för de nationella fiskeriföretagsorganisationerna [sæ]
Association des organisations nationales d´entreprises de pêche de l´Union européenne [fr]
Vereinigung der nationalen Verbände von Fischereiunternehmen in der EU [de]
bindandi sölusamningur
firm sales contract [en]
bindandi sölusamningur
binding sale agreement [en]
bindandi þjónustusamningur
firm service contract [en]
borgari Evrópusambandsins
borgari Sambandsins
citizen of the Union [en]
EU citizen [en]
European Union citizen [en]
citizen of the European Union [en]
Union citizen [en]
EU-borger, unionsborger [da]
EU-medborgare, medborgare i Europeiska unionen [sæ]
citoyen de l´Union [fr]
Bürger der Europäischen Union, EU-Bürger [de]
bókun 10 um varanlegt, skipulegt samstarf sem komið er á með 42. gr. sáttmálans um Evrópusambandið
Protocol No 10 on permanent structured cooperation established by Article 42 of the Treaty on European Union [en]
bókun 11 um 42. gr. sáttmálans um Evrópusambandið
Protocol No 11 on Article 42 of the Treaty on European Union [en]
bókun 19 um Schengen-réttarreglurnar sem hafa verið felldar inn í ramma Evrópusambandsins
Protocol 19 on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union [en]
Protocol No 19 on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union [en]
bókun 1 um hlutverk þjóðþinga í Evrópusambandinu
Protocol No 1 on the role of national parliaments in the European Union [en]
bókun 20 um beitingu ákveðinna þátta 26. gr. sáttmálans um starfshætti Evrópusambandsins gagnvart Breska Konungsríkinu og Írlandi
Protocol No 20 on the application of certain aspects of Article 26 of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union to the United Kingdom and to Ireland [en]
bókun 24 um hæli til handa ríkisborgurum aðildarríkja Evrópusambandsins
Protocol No 24 on asylum for nationals of Member States of the European Union [en]
bókun 30 um beitingu sáttmála Evrópusambandsins um grundvallarréttindi gagnvart Póllandi og Breska Konungsríkinu
Protocol No 30 on the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union to Poland and to the United Kingdom [en]
bókun 31 um innflutning til Evrópusambandsins á jarðolíuafurðum sem eru hreinsaðar á Hollensku Antillum
Protocol No 31 concerning imports into the European Union of petroleum products refined in the Netherlands Antilles [en]
bókun 33 um 157. gr. sáttmálans um starfshætti Evrópusambandsins
Protocol No 33 concerning Article 157 of the Treaty of the Functioning on the European Union [en]
bókun 3 um stofnsamþykkt Dómstóls Evrópusambandsins
Protocol No 3 on the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union [en]
bókun 6 um aðsetur meginstofnananna og tiltekinna stofnana, skrifstofa, fagstofnana og þjónustudeilda Evrópusambandsins
Protocol (No 6) on the location of the seats of the institutions and of certain bodies, offices, agencies and departments of the European Union [en]
bókun 7 um sérréttindi og friðhelgi Evrópusambandsins
Protocol No 7 on the privileges and immunities of the European Union [en]
bókun 8 varðandi 2. mgr. 6. gr. sáttmálans um Evrópusambandið um að Evrópusambandið gerist aðili að Evrópusamningi um verndun mannréttinda og mannfrelsis.
Protocol No 8 relating to Article 6(2) of the Treaty on European Union on the accession of the Union to the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [en]
bókun sem fellir Schengen-réttarreglurnar inn í ramma Evrópusambandsins
Protocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union [en]
Protocole intégrant l´acquis de Schengen dans le cadre de l''Union européenne [fr]
Protokoll zur Einbeziehung des Schengen-Besitzstands in den Rahmen der Europäischen Union [de]
bókun um hlutverk þjóðþinga í Evrópusambandinu
Protocol on the role of national parliaments of the European Union [en]
bókun um sérréttindi og friðhelgi Evrópusambandsins
Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Union [en]
Brazilian sandperches [en]
brasiliansk sandaborre-slægt [da]
sandabborrar [sæ]
Brasilianische Sandbarsche [de]
Pinguipes spp. [la]
Brazilian sardinella [en]
Brasilianische Sardinelle [de]
Sardinella brasiliensis [la]
breyta lausafjáreignum í reiðufé
monetise holdings of liquid assets [en]
breytistuðull lausafjárfyrirgreiðslu
credit conversion factor for liquidity facilities [en]
Chinese jujube [en]
red date [en]
Chinese date [en]
brystbær, brystbærtræ [da]
jujubär [sæ]
Jujube, Brustbeerbaum [de]
Ziziphus jujuba [la]
emulsifying salt [en]
smeltesalt [da]
smältsalt [sæ]
sel de fonte, sel émulsifiant [fr]
Schmelzsalz [de]
C-deild Stjórnartíðinda Evrópusambandsins
C Series of the Official Journal of the European Union [en]
dómritari Dómstóls Evrópusambandsins
Registrar of the Court of Justice of the European Union [en]
Registrar of the Court of Justice [en]
Domstolens justitssekretær [da]
domstolens justitiesekreterare [sæ]
greffier de la Cour de justice [fr]
Kanzler des Gerichtshofs [de]
Dómstóll Evrópusambandsins
Court of Justice of the European Union [en]
CJEU [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Domstol, EU-Domstolen [da]
Europeiska unionens domstol [sæ]
Cour de justice de l´Union européenne, CJUE [fr]
Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union, EuGH [de]
dýralyfjanefnd Evrópusambandsins
Committee on Veterinary Medicinal Products of the European Union (CVM) [en]
EES-hluti Stjórnartíðinda Evrópusambandsins
EEA Section of the Official Journal of the European Union [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Tidendes EØS-afsnit [da]
la section EEE du Journal officiel de l´Union européenne [fr]
EES-viðbætir við Stjórnartíðindi Evrópusambandsins
EES-viðbætir við Stjórnartíðindi ESB
EEA Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union [en]
EEA Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Tidendes EØS-tillæg, EØS-tillæg [da]
supplément EEE [fr]
EWR-Beilage [de]
efnahags- og félagsmálanefnd Evrópusambandsins
efnahags- og félagsmálanefndin
European Economic and Social Committee [en]
Economic and Social Committee [en]
EESC [en]
Det Europæiske Økonomiske og Sociale Udvalg, EØSU [da]
Europeiska ekonomiska och sociala kommittén, EESK [sæ]
Comité économique et social européen, CESE [fr]
Europäischer Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss, EWSA [de]
post-paid contract [en]
eftirlitssendinefnd Evrópusambandsins
European Union Monitoring Mission [en]
EUMM [en]
Den Europæiske Unions observatørmission [da]
Europeiska unionens övervakningsuppdrag [sæ]
mission de surveillance de l´Union européenne [fr]
Beobachtermission der Europäischen Union [de]
property leasing transaction [en]
eldsneytiseyðsla í lausagangi
idle fuel consumption [en]
embætti saksóknara Evrópusambandsins
European Public Prosecutors Office [en]
EPPO [en]
Den Europæiske Anklagemyndighed [da]
Europeiska åklagarmyndigheten [sæ]
Parquet européen [fr]
Europäische Staatsanwaltschaft [de]
endurnýjaður vörusamningur
recurring supplies contract [en]
endurskoðunarnefnd Evrópusambandsins
EU Committee on Auditing [en]
Endurskoðunarréttur Evrópusambandsins
Court of Auditors [en]
European Court of Auditors [en]
ECA [en]
Revisionsretten for Den Europæiske Union, Revisionsretten [da]
Europeiska unionens revisionsrätt, revisionsrätten [sæ]
Cour des comptes de l´Union européenne, Cour des comptes [fr]
Europäischer Rechnungshof, Rechnungshof [de]
endurviðtökusamningur í formi orðsendingaskipta, milli Íslands og Eistlands
Agreement in the Form of Exchange of Notes on Readmission, between Iceland and Estonia [en]
endurviðtökusamningur í formi orðsendingaskipta, milli Íslands og Lettlands
Agreement in the Form of Exchange of Notes on Readmission, between Iceland and Latvia [en]
endurviðtökusamningur, milli Íslands og Litháens
Agreement on Readmission, between Iceland and Lithuania [en]
recycling society [en]
recycling installation [en]
Elaphe longissima [en]
Elaphe longissima [la]
Evrópureglur um félagslegt öryggi
SES nr. 48 og 48A (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Code of Social Security [en]
ETS No. 048, 048A, Protocol to the European Code of Social Security (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamband flugfélaga
Association of European Airlines [en]
AEA [en]
Sammenslutningen af Europæiske Luftfartsselskaber [da]
Association of European Airlines [sæ]
Association des compagnies européennes de navigation aérienne [fr]
Verband der europäischen Fluggesellschaften [de]
Evrópusamband flugmálastjórna
European Civil Aviation Conference [en]
ECAC [en]
Den Europæiske Konference for Civil Luftfart [da]
Europeiska civila luftfartskonferensen [sæ]
Conférence européenne de l´aviation civile [fr]
Europäische Zivilluftfahrtkonferenz [de]
European Union [en]
Union [en]
EU [en]
Den Europæiske Union, Unionen, EU [da]
Europeiska unionen, EU [sæ]
Union européenne, UE [fr]
Europäische Union, EU [de]
Evrópusamband lífeyrisstofnana hins opinbera
European Association of Public Sector Pension Institutions [en]
Evrópusamband neytendasamtaka
European Community of Consumer Cooperatives [en]
Eurocoop [en]
Det Europæiske Fællesskab af Brugsforeninger [da]
Europeiska gemenskapen av konsumentkooperativ [sæ]
Communauté européenne des coopératives de consommateurs [fr]
Europäische Gemeinschaft der Konsumgenossenschaften [de]
Union symbol [en]
EU-symbol [da]
unionssymbol [sæ]
EU-Logo [de]
Evrópusamband stofnana um jöfn réttindi
European Association of Paritarian Institutions [en]
AEIP [en]
Evrópusamband verkalýðsfélaga
European Trade Union Confederation [en]
ETUC [en]
Den Europæiske Faglige Samarbejdsorganisation, EFS [da]
Europeiska fackliga samorganisationen, EFS [sæ]
Confédération européenne des syndicats, CES [fr]
Europäischer Gewerkschaftsbund, EGB [de]
Europe Agreement [en]
Evrópusamningur gegn misnotkun lyfja í íþróttum
SES nr. 135 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Anti-Doping Convention [en]
ETS No. 135 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um alþjóðlegt gildi refsidóma
European Convention on the International Validity of Criminal Judgements [en]
Evrópusamningur um ákveðna þætti sem varða skipulag vinnutíma í flutningum á skipgengum vatnaleiðum
European Agreement concerning Certain Aspects of the Organisation of Working Time in Inland Waterway Transport [en]
Evrópusamningur um eftirlit með umráðum einstaklinga á skotvopnum og með því hvernig þeir afla þeirra
European Convention on the Control of the Acquisition and Possession of Firearms by Individuals [en]
Evrópusamningur um ferðalög æskufólks á sameiginlegum vegabréfum milli aðildarríkja Evrópuráðsins
European Agreement on Travel by Young Persons on Collective Passports between the Member Countries of the Council of Europe [en]
Evrópusamningur um framsal sakamanna
SES nr. 24, 86 og 98 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on Extradition [en]
ETS No. 024, 086, 098 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Convention européenne d´extradition [fr]
Europäisches Auslieferungsübereinkommen [de]
Evrópusamningur um gagnkvæma aðstoð í sakamálum
SES nr. 30 og 99 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters [en]
ETS No. 030, 099 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Convention européenne d´entraide judiciaire en matière pénale [fr]
Europäisches Übereinkommen über Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen [de]
Evrópusamningur um gagnkvæma stjórnsýsluaðstoð í skattamálum
European Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters [en]
Evrópusamningur um greiðslu námsstyrkja til námsmanna erlendis
European Agreement on continued Payment of Scholarships to Students studying abroad [en]
Evrópusamningur um málefni þátttakenda í málflutningi fyrir Mannréttindadómstól Evrópu
European Agreement relating to Persons Participating in Proceedings of the European Court of Human Rights [en]
Evrópusamningur um málefni þátttakenda í málflutningi fyrir mannréttindanefnd og mannréttindadómstóli Evrópu
European Agreement relating to Persons Participating in Proceedings of the European Commission and Court of Human Rights [en]
Evrópusamningur um millilandaflutninga á hættulegum farmi á skipgengum vatnaleiðum
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways [en]
ADN [en]
Evrópusamningur um millilandaflutning á hættulegum farmi á vegum (ADR)
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road [en]
ADR [en]
Evrópusamningur um ofbeldi og ótilhlýðilega hegðun áhorfenda á íþróttamótum, einkum á knattspyrnuleikjum
SES nr. 120 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches [en]
ETS No. 120 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um réttarstöðu farandlaunþega
SES nr. 93 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers [en]
ETS No. 093 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um réttindi barna
SES nr. 160 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on the Exercise of Children´s Rights [en]
ETS No. 160 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um ríkisfang
SES nr. 166 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on Nationality [en]
ETS No. 166 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um samframleiðslu kvikmyndaverka
SES nr. 147 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on Cinematographic Co-production [en]
ETS No. 147 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um sjónvarpsútsendingar yfir landamæri
SES nr. 132 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on Transfrontier Television [en]
ETS No. 132 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um skipulag á vinnutíma sjómanna
European Agreement in respect of the Working Time of Seafarers [en]
Evrópusamningur um skipulag vinnutíma farstarfsmanna í almenningsflugi
European Agreement on the Organisation of Working Time of Mobile Workers in Civil Aviation [en]
Evrópusamningur um störf áhafna ökutækja sem annast alþjóðlega flutninga á vegum
European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transport [en]
AETR [en]
Evrópusamningur um upplýsingar um erlenda löggjöf
European Convention on Information on Foreign Law [en]
Evrópusamningur um varnir gegn hryðjuverkum
SES nr. 90 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism [en]
ETS No. 090 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um varnir gegn pyndingum og ómannlegri eða vanvirðandi meðferð eða refsingu
SES nr. 126, 151 og 152 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [en]
ETS No. 126, 151, 152 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um vernd dýra í landbúnaði
European Convention for the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes [en]
Evrópusamningur um vernd dýra í millilandaflutningum
European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport [en]
Evrópusamningur um vernd fornleifaarfsins
European Convention on the Protection of the Archeological Heritage [en]
Evrópusamningur um vernd fornleifaarfsins (endurskoðaður)
SES nr. 143 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage (Revised) [en]
ETS No. 143 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um verndun hryggdýra sem notuð eru í tilraunum og í öðrum vísindalegum tilgangi
SES nr. 123 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes [en]
ETS No. 123 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um viðskipti með lækningaefni úr líkömum manna
SES nr. 26 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Agreement on the Exchange of Therapeutic Substances of Human Origin [en]
ETS No. 026 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um viðurkenningu og fullnustu ákvarðana varðandi forsjá barna og endurheimt forsjár barna
SES nr. 105 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions Concerning Custody of Children and on Restoration of Custody of Children [en]
ETS No. 105 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusamningur um æskulýðsmál
European Youth Pact [en]
European partnership [en]
Evrópusamstarf á sviði menntunar og þjálfunar
ET 2020
European cooperation in education and training [en]
European co-operation in education and training [en]
ET 2020 [en]
Evrópusamstarf á sviði vísinda- og tæknirannsókna
European cooperation in the field of scientific and technological research [en]
European co-operation in the field of scientific and technological research [en]
COST [en]
Evrópusamstarf um aðgerðir gegn krabbameini
European Partnership Action against Cancer [en]
Evrópusamtök blindra
European Blind Union [en]
EBU [en]
Den Europæiske Blindeunion [da]
European Blind Union [sæ]
Union européenne des aveugles, UEA [fr]
Europäische Blindenunion [de]
Evrópusamtök fyrirtækja með opinberri eignaraðild
European Centre of Enterprises with Public Participation [en]
CEEP [en]
Evrópusamtök ilmvatns- og snyrtivöruframleiðenda
European Federation of the Perfume, Cosmetics and Toiletries Industries [en]
Forbindelsesudvalget for Parfume- og Kosmetikindustriens Europæiske Foreninger [da]
comité de liaison des associations européennes de l´industrie de la parfumerie, des produits cosmétiques et de toilette [fr]
Verbindungsausschuß der Europäischen Industrieverbände für Parfümerie- und Körperpflegemittel [de]
Evrópusamtök neytenda
BEUC [en]
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs [fr]
Evrópusamtök um bragð og ilm
European Flavour and Fragrance Association [en]
EFFA [en]
Den Europæiske Forening for Aroma- og Parfumeindustrien [da]
Association européenne des arômes et fragrances [fr]
Evrópusamtök um búnað í almenningsflugi
European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment [en]
European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment [en]
Eurocae [en]
European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment [da]
Organisation européenne pour l´équipement de l´aviation civile [fr]
Europäische Organisation für Zivilluftfahrt-Ausrüstung [de]
Evrópusamtök um faggildingu
European Co-operation for Accreditation [en]
EA [en]
Den Europæiske Organisation for Akkreditering [da]
den europeiska samarbetsorganisationen för ackreditering [sæ]
Coopération européenne pour l´accréditation [fr]
Europäische Kooperation für die Akkreditierung [de]
Evrópusamtök um rekstrarsamhæfi járnbrauta
European Association for Railway Interoperability [en]
AEIF [en]
den europæiske sammenslutning for jernbaners interoperabilitet [da]
europeiska organisationen för driftskompatibilitet för järnvägar [sæ]
Association européenne pour l´interopérabilité ferroviaire [fr]
Evrópusamtök um tæknisamþykki
European Organisation for Technical Approval [en]
European Organization for Technical Approval [en]
EOTA [en]
Evrópusamtök útvarpsstöðva
European Broadcasting Union [en]
EBU [en]
Den Europæiske Radiounion [da]
europeiska rundradiounionen [sæ]
Union européenne de radio-télévision, UER [fr]
Union der Europäischen Rundfunkorganisationen, UER [de]
Evrópusáttmáli um sjálfsstjórn sveitarfélaga
SES nr. 122 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Charter of Local Self-Government [en]
ETS No. 122 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópusáttmáli um svæðisbundin tungumál og tungumál minnihlutahópa
SES nr. 148 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages [en]
ETS No. 148 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Evrópustofnun um framkvæmd samvinnu á ytri landamærum aðildarríkja Evrópusambandsins
Landamærastofnun Evrópu
European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union [en]
FRONTEX Agency [en]
Det Europæiske Agentur for Forvaltning af det Operative Samarbejde ved EU-Medlemsstaternes Ydre Grænser [da]
Europeiska byrån för förvaltningen av det operativa samarbetet vid Europeiska unionens medlemsstaters yttre gränser [sæ]
Agence européenne pour la gestion de la coopération opérationnelle aux frontières extérieures des États membres de l´Union européenne [fr]
Europäische Agentur für die operative Zusammenarbeit an den Außengrenzen der Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union [de]
fagstofnun ESB
fagstofnun Evrópusambandsins
fagstofnun Sambandsins
EU Agency [en]
Agency of the European Union [en]
Agency of the Union [en]
agency [en]
EU-agentur [da]
EU-byrå [sæ]
agence de l´UE [fr]
EU-Agentur [de]
ferli fyrir stefnusamræmingu
policy coordination process [en]
policy co-ordination process [en]
félagsmálasáttmáli Evrópu
SES nr. 35, 128, 142, 158 og 163 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Social Charter [en]
ETS No. 035, 128, 142, 158, 163 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
fish heads [en]
Fiskveiðieftirlitsstofnun Evrópusambandsins
Fiskveiðieftirlitsstofnun ESB
European Fisheries Control Agency [en]
EFCA [en]
distance contract [en]
fjárlög Evrópusambandsins
fjárlög Sambandsins
fjárlög ESB
general budget of the European Union [en]
European Union´s general budget [en]
Union budget [en]
EU budget [en]
Den Europæiske Unions almindelige budget [da]
Europeiska unionens allmänna budget [sæ]
budget général de l´Union européenne [fr]
Gesamthaushaltsplan der Europäischen Union [de]
fjármögnunarleið til fjárstuðnings við lögreglusamvinnu, forvarnir og baráttu gegn afbrotum og krísustjórnun
instrument for financial support for police cooperation, preventing and combating crime, and crisis management [en]
financing lease arrangement [en]
violoxanthein [en]
family history [en]
family reunification [en]
family composition [en]
flugrekandi sem er leigusali
actual carrier [en]
Flugöryggisstofnun Evrópusambandsins
European Union Aviation Safety Agency [en]
framkvæmdaáætlun Hagstofu Evrópubandalaganna
framkvæmdaáætlun Hagstofu Evrópusambandsins
Eurostat Corporate Plan [en]
framkvæmdastjórn Evrópusambandsins
framkvæmdastjórn Evrópubandalaganna (úrelt)
European Commission [en]
Commission of the European Communities (úrelt) [en]
Commission [en]
COM [en]
Europa-Kommissionen, Kommissionen, Kommissionen for De Europæiske Fællesskaber (úrelt) [da]
Europeiska kommissionen, kommissionen, Europeiska gemenskapernas kommission (úrelt) [sæ]
Commission européenne, Commission, COM [fr]
Europäische Kommission, Kommission, Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften (úrelt) [de]
product mix [en]
producer association [en]
sub-letting agreement [en]
commodity futures contract [en]
frátekið lausa
dedicated liquidity [en]
cell bank [en]
bank system [en]
cell fusion [en]
fullyrðingaskrá Evrópusambandsins yfir næringar- og heilsufullyrðingar er varða matvæli
fullyrðingaskrá Sambandsins yfir næringar- og heilsufullyrðingar er varða matvæli
fullyrðingaskrá ESB yfir næringar- og heilsufullyrðingar er varða matvæli
EU Register of nutrition and health claims made on food [en]
Union Register of nutrition and health claims made on food [en]
European Union Register of nutrition and health claims made on food [en]
pre-paid contract [en]
prepaid contract [en]
diet composition [en]
set of records [en]
gagnamiðstöð Evrópusambandsins um auðkennis- og fjarvöktun skipa
European Union Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships Data Centre [en]
EU LRIT Data Centre [en]
LRIT Cooperative Data Centre [en]
geimtengdur þáttur Kópernikusaráætlunarinnar
Copernicus space component [en]
gera skaðlausan
indemnify [en]
Gervihnattamiðstöð Evrópusambandsins
European Union Satellite Centre [en]
EUSC [en]
EU-Satellitcentret [da]
Europeiska unionens satellitcentrum [sæ]
Centre satellitaire de l´Union européenne, EUCC [fr]
Satellitenzentrum der Europäischen Union [de]
hawker [en]
hagkerfi Evrópusambandsins
European Union economy [en]
hagskýrslugerð Hagstofu Evrópubandalaganna
hagskýrslugerð Hagstofu Evrópusambandsins
Eurostat output [en]
statistical community [en]
Hagstofa Evrópusambandsins
Hagstofa Evrópubandalaganna
Eurostat [en]
Statistical Office of the European Union [en]
Statistical Office of the European Communities [en]
Eurostat [da]
Eurostat [sæ]
Office statistique de l´Union européenne, Eurostat [fr]
Eurostat [de]
hausaður fiskur
fish, heads off [en]
header row [en]
hágæða lausafjáreignir
high quality liquid assets [en]
HQLA [en]
assets of high liquidity and credit quality [en]
hermálanefnd Evrópusambandsins
hermálanefnd ESB
European Union Military Committee [en]
EUMC [en]
Military Committee of the European Union [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Militærkomité, EU´s Militærkomité [da]
Europeiska unionens militära kommitté [sæ]
Comité militaire de l´Union européenne, Comité militaire de l´UE, CMUE [fr]
Militärausschuss der Europäischen Union, EU-Militärausschuss [de]
hermálastarfslið Evrópusambandsins
hermálastarfslið ESB
European Union Military Staff [en]
Military Staff of the European Union [en]
EU Military Staff [en]
EUMS [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Militærstab, EU´s Militærstab [da]
Europeiska unionens militära stab, EU:s militära stab [sæ]
état-major de l´Union européenne, état-major de l´UE, EMUE [fr]
Militärstab der Europäischen Union, Militärstab der EU [de]
hollustusamleg skilyrði
hygienic conditions [en]
conditions of hygiene [en]
commodities portfolio [en]
commodity contract [en]
hreinsað þrúgusafaþykkni
rectified concentrated grape [en]
Hugverkastofa Evrópusambandsins
European Union Intellectual Property Office [en]
EUIPO [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Kontor for Intellektuel Ejendomsret [da]
Europeiska unionens immaterialrättsmyndighet [sæ]
Office de l´Union européenne pour la propriété intellectuelle [fr]
Amt der Europäischen Union für geistiges Eigentum [de]
isomeric composition [en]
hvítbók um upplýsingaskipti um sakfellingar og áhrif slíkra sakfellinga innan Evrópusambandsins
White Paper on exchanges of information on convictions and the effect of such convictions in the European Union [en]
Hælisstofnun Evrópusambandsins
Europan Union Agency for Asylum [en]
EUAA [en]
EU agency for Asylum [en]
IAS-staðall 17, leigusamningar
IAS 17 Leases [en]
IAS 17 [en]
International Accounting Standard 17 [en]
IFRIC-túlkun 4, ákvörðun um hvort samningur inniheldur leigusamning
IFRIC 4 Determining Whether an Arrangement Contains a Lease [en]
IFRIC 4 [en]
IFRIC Interpretation 4 [en]
IFRS-staðall 16, leigusamningar
IFRS 16 Leases [en]
IFRS 16 [en]
International Financial Reporting Standard 16 [en]
flatheads [en]
fladhovedet ulke-familie [da]
platycéphalides [fr]
Flachköpfe [de]
Platycephalidae [la]
innan Evrópusambandsins
across the European Union [en]
collecting society [en]
í lausagangi
idling [en]
í lausagangi
at idle [en]
ímynd Evrópusambandsins
European Union identity [en]
Járnbrautarstofnun Evrópusambandsins
European Union Agency for Railways [en]
ERA [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Jernbaneagentur [da]
Europeiska unionens järnvägsbyrå [sæ]
red date [en]
Chinese date [en]
Chinese jujube [en]
Cartesian coordinate [en]
kartöflusafi, þykktur
potato juice condensed [en]
hire-purchase contract [en]
spherical joint [en]
kennimerki Evrópusambandsins fyrir lífræna framleiðslu
kennimerki ESB fyrir lífræna framleiðslu
organic production logo of the European Union [en]
organic logo of the EU [en]
kóði atvinnugreinaflokkunar Evrópusambandsins
kóði atvinnugreinaflokkunar Evrópubandalaganna
NACE code [en]
Copernicus Programme [en]
lagagátt Evrópusambandsins
EURLEX-portal [en]
lagarammi Evrópusambandsins
legal framework of the European Union [en]
agricultural commodity derivative contract [en]
country risk portfolio [en]
long-term leasing contract [en]
lausabúnaður fyrir þjónustu við farþega
removable passenger service equipment [en]
movable property [en]
liquid assets [en]
lausafé með lítilli áhættu
liquid low risk assets [en]
discrete adipose tissue [en]
spredt fedtvæv [da]
urskiljbar fettvävnad [sæ]
angelagertes Fettgewebe [de]
liquidity run [en]
liquidity risk [en]
liquid financial asset [en]
liquid assets [en]
treasury financing activity [en]
liquidity facility [en]
LF [en]
lausafjárfyrirgreiðsla í neyð
Emergency Liquidity Assistance [en]
ELA [en]
liquidity fee [en]
liquidity ratio [en]
liquidity crisis [en]
crise de liquidité [fr]
Liquiditätskrise, Anspannung der Liquiditätslage, Liquiditätsengpass [de]
cash market [en]
movable property [en]
liquidity swap [en]
liquidity [en]
lausafjárstaða fjármálamarkaða
liquidity of financial markets [en]
liquidity crisis [en]
crise de liquidité [fr]
Liquiditätskrise, Anspannung der Liquiditätslage, Liquiditätsengpass [de]
liquidity coverage [en]
likviditetsdækning [da]
Liquiditätsdeckung [de]
liquidity coverage ratio [en]
LCR [en]
liquidity need [en]
hraði í lausagangi
idle speed [en]
idling speed [en]
no load engine speed [en]
free speed [en]
tomgangshastighed [da]
tomgångsvarvtal [sæ]
régime de ralenti [fr]
Leerlaufdrehzahl [de]
loose-house [en]
open housing [en]
loose-housing [en]
løsdrift [da]
lösdrift [sæ]
stabulation libre [fr]
Laufstall [de]
powdery snow [en]
non-prescription medicinal product [en]
step stool [en]
bulk cargo [en]
general cargo ship [en]
fragtskib [da]
fartyg för styckegods [sæ]
cargo de marchandises diverses [fr]
Stückgutschiff [de]
credit derivative contract [en]
credit derivative default contract [en]
borrowing agreement [en]
accord d´emprunt [fr]
Kreditvereinbarung [de]
lessor [en]
landlord [en]
rental agreement [en]
lease agreement [en]
lease [en]
leasing contract [en]
liðsafli flotans sem er undir forystu Evrópusambandsins
European Union-led naval force [en]
EU-ledet flådestyrke [da]
EU-ledd marin styrka [sæ]
force navale placée sous la direction de l´Union européenne [fr]
EU-geführte Seestreitkraft [de]
liðsafli sem heyrir undir stjórn VES
liðsafli sem heyrir undir stjórn Vestur-Evrópusambandsins
forces answerable to the WEU [en]
forces answerable to the Western European Union [en]
FAWEU [en]
liðsafli undir forystu Evrópusambandsins
EU-led force [en]
European Union-led force [en]
EUFOR [en]
EU-ledet styrke [da]
EU-ledd styrka [sæ]
force placée sous la direction de l´Union européenne, force de l´Union européenne [fr]
EU-geführte Einsatzkräfte [de]
losunarheimildir Evrópusambandsins
European Union Allowances [en]
EUA [en]
losunarheimildir Evrópusambandsins vegna flugs
European Union Aviation Allowances [en]
EUAA [en]
red date [en]
Chinese date [en]
Chinese jujube [en]
lögbók Jústiníanusar
Justinian Code [en]
löggiltur endurskoðandi í Evrópusambandinu
statutory auditor in the European Union [en]
Löggæslumenntastofnun Evrópusambandsins
CEPOL [en]
European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training [en]
CEPOL [fr]
CEPOL [de]
law enforcement co-operation [en]
law enforcement cooperation [en]
Löggæslusamvinnustofnun Evrópusambandsins
European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation [en]
Europol [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Agentur for Retshåndhævelsessamarbejde [da]
Europeiska unionens byrå för samarbete inom brottsbekämpning [sæ]
Agence de l´Union européenne pour la coopération des services répressifs [fr]
Agentur der Europäischen Union für die Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Strafverfolgung [de]
löggæsluverkefni Evrópusambandsins
European Union Police Mission [en]
EUPM [en]
löggæsluverkefni Evrópusambandsins í Afganistan
European Union Police Mission in Afghanistan [en]
löggæsluverkefni Evrópusambandsins í Bosníu og Hersegóvínu
European Union Police Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina [en]
EUPM in Bosnia and Herzegovina [en]
löggæsluverkefni Evrópusambandsins í Lýðstjórnarlýðveldinu Kongó
European Union Police Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo [en]
EUPOL Kinshasa [en]
löggæsluverkefni Evrópusambandsins í Makedóníu (Fyrrverandi lýðveldi Júgóslavíu)
European Union Police Mission in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia [en]
EUPOL Proxima [en]
police cooperation [en]
police co-operation [en]
lögreglusamvinna yfir landamæri
cross-border police cooperation [en]
cross-border police co-operation [en]
lög um ráðstafanir vegna útgöngu Bretlands úr Evrópusambandinu og Evrópska efnahagssvæðinu
Act on Measures relating to the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union and the European Economic Area [en]
Madeiran sardinella [en]
Sardinella maderensis [la]
short-body sardinella [en]
Sardinella maderensis [la]
Markmiðum um hreyfanleika með lítilli losun náð - Evrópusamband sem verndar plánetuna, styrkir rétt neytenda og verndar iðnað og launafólk
Delivering on low-emission mobility - A European Union that protects the planet, empowers its consumers, and defends its industry and workers [en]
málsmeðferð Evrópusambandsins
European Union procedure [en]
balance-of-the-month contract [en]
með hliðsjón af áliti efnahags- og félagsmálanefndar Evrópusambandsins
having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee [en]
með hliðsjón af tillögu framkvæmdastjórnar Evrópusambandsins
having regard to the proposal from the European Commission [en]
menningarráðstefna Evrópusambandsins
Cultural Forum of the European Union [en]
menningarsáttmáli Evrópu
SES nr. 18 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Cultural Convention [en]
ETS No. 018 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
menntaáætlun Evrópusambandsins
menntaáætlun ESB
Lifelong Learning Programme [en]
Life-long Learning Programme [en]
LLP [en]
miðlæg stofnun sem annast alþjóðlega lögreglusamvinnu
central body responsible for international police cooperation [en]
central body responsible for international police co-operation [en]
organe central chargé de la coopération policière internationale [fr]
mit der grenzüberschreitenden polizeilichen Zusammenarbeit beauftragte zentrale Stelle [de]
composting closet [en]
musk ambrette [en]
Murbeckiella sousae Rothm.
Murbeckiella sousae Rothm. [en]
Murbeckiella sousae Rothm. [la]
myntsamningur á milli Evrópusambandsins og Lýðveldisins Frakklands um að halda evrunni á Sankti Bartólómeusareyjum í kjölfarið á breytingu á stöðu þeirra með tilliti til Evrópusambandsins
Monetary Agreement between the European Union and the French Republic on keeping the euro in Saint-Barthélemy following the amendment of its status with regard to the European Union [en]
náttúrulegur sítrónusafi
natural lemon juice [en]
Netöryggisstofnun Evrópusambandsins
European Union Agency for Cybersecurity [en]
ENISA [en]
European Union Agency for Cyber Security [en]
opinber vörusamningur
public supply contract [en]
opinber þjónustusamningur
public service contract [en]
Orðsending framkvæmdastjórnarinnar til Evrópuþingsins, ráðsins, efnahags- og félagsmálanefndar Evrópusambandsins og svæðanefndarinnar: Hringrásinni lokað - aðgerðaráætlun ESB fyrir hringrásarhagkerfið
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Closing the loop An EU action plan for the Circular Economy [en]
orkusafnandi höggdeyfir
energy-accumulating shock absorber [en]
energiakkumulerende buffer [da]
energy accumulation device [en]
energiakkumuleringsanordning [da]
energilagringsanordning [sæ]
dispositif daccumulation dénergie [fr]
Energiespeicher [de]
Energy Union [en]
energiunion [da]
energiunion [sæ]
union de l´énergie [fr]
Energieunion [de]
Energy Community [en]
Energy Community Treaty [en]
afleiða sem verslað er með utan verðbréfamarkaðar
over-the-counter derivative [en]
OTC derivative contract [en]
OTC-derivative [en]
produit dérivé de gré à gré [fr]
außerbörslicher Derivativekontrakt, OTC-Derivativekontrakt [de]
ólöglegar, ótilkynntar og stjórnlausar fiskveiðar
illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing [en]
illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries [en]
IUU-fishing [en]
IUU-fisheries [en]
IUU fishing [en]
óuppsegjanlegur leigusamningur
non-cancellable lease [en]
plöntusamfélag með bökkum vatnsfarvega með Rhododendron ponticum
plöntusamfélag með bökkum vatnsfarvega með lækjalyngrós
riparian formation with Rhododendron ponticum [en]
plöntusamfélag með bökkum vatnsfarvega með víði
riparian formation with Salix [en]
plöntusamfélag með Cistus palhinhae
Cistus palhinhae formation [en]
plöntusamfélag með eini
Juniperus communis formation [en]
plöntusamfélag með Genista purgans
Genista purgans formation [en]
plöntusamfélag með lágum mjólkurjurtum
low formation of euphorbia [en]
press juice [en]
pressusafi úr refasmára
lucerne press juice [en]
electricity supply contract [en]
rammasamningur Evrópuráðsins um samstarf byggðarlaga og svæðisbundinna yfirvalda yfir landamæri
SES nr. 106 og 159 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities [en]
ETS No. 106, 159 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
rammasamningur milli Evrópusambandsins og lýðveldisins Íslands um þátttöku lýðveldisins Íslands í hættustjórnunaraðgerðum Evrópusambandsins
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Iceland establishing a framework for the participation of the Republic of Iceland in the European Union crisis-management operations [en]
rammasamningur um verndun þjóðarbrota
SES nr. 157 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities [en]
ETS No. 157 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
rammaskipulag fyrir öflugt orkusamband með framsýna stefnu varðandi loftslagsbreytingar
A Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy [en]
Rammi Evrópusambandsins um landsbundnar aðlögunaráætlanir fyrir Rómafólk fram til 2020
EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020 [en]
ráð Evrópusambandsins
Council of the European Union [en]
Council [en]
Rådet for Den Europæiske Union, Rådet [da]
Europeiska unionens råd, rådet [sæ]
Conseil de l´Union européenne, Conseil [fr]
Rat der Europäischen Union, Rat [de]
ráðningarskrifstofa Evrópusambandsins
ráðningarskrifstofa ESB
European Personnel Selection Office [en]
EPSO [en]
Det Europæiske Personaleudvælgelseskontor [da]
Europeiska gemenskapernas byrå för uttagningsprov för rekrytering av personal [sæ]
Office de sélection du personnel des Communautés européennes [fr]
Europäisches Amt für Personalauswahl [de]
ráðning í lausar stöður
clearing of vacancies [en]
Refsivörslusamvinnustofnun Evrópusambandsins
European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation [en]
Eurojust [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Agentur for Strafferetligt Samarbejde [da]
Europeiska unionens byrå för straffrättsligt samarbete [sæ]
Agence de l´Union européenne pour la coopération judiciaire en matière pénale [fr]
Agentur der Europäischen Union für justizielle Zusammenarbeit in Strafsachen [de]
operating lease arrangement [en]
rhesus monkey [en]
rhesusmakak, rhesusapa [sæ]
macaque rhésus, rhésus [fr]
Rhesusaffe [de]
Macaca mulatta [la]
sameiginleg nefnd Evrópusambandsins og Alþjóðaflugmálastofnunarinnar
EU-ICAO Joint Committee [en]
Joint Committee of the European Union (EU) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) [en]
sameiginleg stefna Evrópusambandsins í öryggis- og varnarmálum
Common European Security and Defence Policy [en]
CESDP [en]
sameiginlegur hergagnalisti Evrópusambandsins
Common Military List of the European Union [en]
Common Military List [en]
EU Common List of military equipment [en]
sameinuð nafnaskrá Evrópusambandsins
Combined Nomenclature of the European Union [en]
samkomulag milli Evrópusambandsins annars vegar og Konungsríkisins Noregs, lýðveldisins Íslands, Svissneska ríkjasambandsins og Furstadæmisins Liechtensteins hins vegar um þátttöku þessara ríkja í Evrópustofnuninni um rekstur stórra upplýsingatæknikerfa á svæði frelsis, öryggis og réttlætis
Arrangement between the European Union, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Iceland, the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein, of the other part on the participation by those States in the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice [en]
samkomulag milli Evrópusambandsins og Íslands um tilhögun þátttöku þess í starfsemi Evrópsku stuðningsskrifstofunnar í hælismálefnum
Arrangement between the European Union and Iceland on the modalities of its participation in the European Asylum Support Office [en]
samningur milli Evrópusambandsins og lýðveldisins Íslands og Konungsríkisins Noregs um málsmeðferð við afhendingu milli aðildarríkja Evrópusambandsins og Íslands og Noregs
Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the surrender procedure between the Member States of the European Union and Iceland and Norway [en]
samningur sem ráð Evrópusambandsins og lýðveldið Ísland og Konungsríkið Noregur gera með sér um að koma á réttindum og skyldum milli Írlands og Hins sameinaða konungsríkis Stóra-Bretlands og Norður-Írlands annars vegar og lýðveldisins Íslands og Konungsríkisins Noregs hins vegar á þeim sviðum Schengen-gerðanna sem taka til þessara ríkja
Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the establishment of rights and obligations between Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the one hand, and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the other, in the areas of the Schengen acquis which apply to these States [en]
samningur sem ráð Evrópusambandsins og lýðveldið Ísland og konungsríkið Noregur gera með sér um þátttöku hinna síðarnefndu í framkvæmd, beitingu og þróun Schengen-gerðanna
Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the latters´ association to the implementation, application and development of the Schengen-acquis [en]
samningur um bráðabirgðafyrirkomulag fyrir tímabilið eftir að tiltekin EFTA-ríki hafa gerst aðilar að Evrópusambandinu
Agreement on Transitional Arrangements for a Period After the Accession of Certain EFTA States to the European Union [en]
samningur um flutning dæmdra manna
SES nr. 112 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons [en]
ETS No. 112 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
samningur um framkvæmd samþykktar Alþjóðavinnumálastofnunarinnar um vinnu við fiskveiðar, 2007, sem gerður var 21. maí 2012 milli Samtaka samvinnufélaga í landbúnaði í Evrópusambandinu (Cogeca), Sambands félaga flutningaverkamanna í Evrópu (ETF) og Bandalags landssamtaka fiskveiðifyrirtækja í Evrópusambandinu (Europêche)
Agreement concerning the implementation of the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 of the International Labour Organisation, concluded on 21 May 2012 between the General Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives in the European Union (Cogeca), the European Transport Workers'' Federation (ETF) and the Association of National Organisations of Fishing Enterprises in the European Union (Europêche) [en]
samningur um friðun evrópskrar byggingararfleifðar
SES nr. 121 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe [en]
ETS No. 121 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
samningur um lyfjaskrá Evrópu
SES nr. 50 og 134 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Convention on the Elaboration of a European Pharmacopoeia [en]
ETS No. 050, 134 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
samningur um vernd einstaklinga varðandi vélræna vinnslu persónuupplýsinga
SES nr. 108 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data [en]
ETS No. 108 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
samningur um vernd mannréttinda og mannlegrar reisnar við hagnýtingu líffræði og læknisfræði
samningur um mannréttindi og líflæknisfræði
SES nr. 164 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine [en]
Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine [en]
ETS No. 164 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
samningur um verndun villtra plantna og dýra og lífsvæða Evrópu
SES nr. 104 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats [en]
Bern Convention [en]
Berne Convention [en]
ETS No. 104 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
samningur um viðurkenningu á menntun og hæfi á æðra skólastigi á Evrópusvæðinu
SES nr. 165 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region [en]
ETS No. 165 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
samningur um þátttöku útlendinga í opinberu lífi í sveitarfélögum
SES nr. 144 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level [en]
ETS No. 144 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
samningur um þvætti, leit, hald og upptöku ávinnings af afbrotum
SES nr. 141 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime [en]
ETS No. 141 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
samningur um öryggismál, milli Íslands og Vestur-Evrópusambandsins
Security Agreement, between Iceland and the Western European Union [en]
samræmi framleiðslu
conformity of production [en]
CoP [en]
produktionens overensstemmelse [da]
produktionsöverensstämmelse [sæ]
samstarfssamkomulag milli Evrópusambandsins og Alþjóðaflugmálastofnunarinnar
Memorandum of Cooperation between the European Union and the International Civil Aviation Organization [en]
ICAO MoC [en]
samstarfssamningur milli stofnana frá 25. maí 1999 milli Evrópuþingsins, ráðs Evrópusambandsins og framkvæmdastjórnar Evrópubandalaganna um innri rannsóknir Evrópuskrifstofunnar um aðgerðir gegn svikum (OLAF)
Interinstitutional Agreement of 25 May 1999 between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the Commission of the European Communities concerning internal investigations by the European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF) [en]
Samstarfsstofnun Evrópusambandsins fyrir eftirlitsaðila á orkumarkaði
European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators [en]
ACER [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Agentur for Samarbejde mellem Energireguleringsmyndigheder/ACER [da]
Europeiska unionens byrå för samarbete mellan energitillsynsmyndigheter/Acer [sæ]
Agence de l''Union européenne pour la coopération des régulateurs de l''énergie/ACER [fr]
Agentur der Europäischen Union für die Zusammenarbeit der Energieregulierungsbehörden/ACER [de]
samstarfsvettvangur umhverfisdómara Evrópusambandsins
European Union Forum of Judges for the Environment [en]
EUFJE [en]
Europæiske Unions Forum for Miljødommere [da]
Europeiska unionens miljödomarförening [sæ]
Richterforum der Europäischen Union für die Umwelt [de]
Samstöðusjóður Evrópusambandsins
European Union Solidarity Fund [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Solidaritetsfond [da]
Europeiska unionens solidaritetsfond [sæ]
Fonds de solidarité de l´Union européenne [fr]
Solidaritätsfonds der Europäischen Union [de]
Samtök félaga flutningaverkamanna í Evrópusambandinu
Federation of Transport Workers´ Unions in the European Union [en]
FST [en]
fédération des syndicats des transports dans l´Union européenne [fr]
Verband der Verkehrsgewerkschaften in der Europäischen Union [de]
Samtök samvinnufélaga í landbúnaði í Evrópusambandinu
General Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives in the European Union [en]
Cogeca [en]
Sammenslutningen af Landbrugs-andelsorganisationer i EU [da]
organisationen för lantbrukskooperativ i EU [sæ]
Confédération générale des coopératives agricoles de l´Union européenne [fr]
Allgemeiner Ausschuss des ländlichen Genossenschaftswesens der EU [de]
samþjöppun áhættu
risk concentration [en]
samþykkt Alþjóðavinnumálastofnunarinnar nr. 182 um bann við barnavinnu í sinni verstu mynd og tafarlausar aðgerðir til að afnema hana
ILO Convention No. 182 concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour [en]
samþætt tollskrárkerfi Evrópusambandsins
samþætt tollskrárkerfi Bandalagsins
Integrated Tariff of the European Union [en]
TARIC [en]
Integrated Tariff of the Community [en]
Sankti Bartólómeusareyjar
Saint Barthélemy [en]
Saint-Barthélemy [en]
Saint-Barthélemy [da]
Saint-Barthélemy [sæ]
Saint-Barthélemy [fr]
St. Barthélemy [de]
sáttmáli Evrópusambandsins um grundvallarréttindi
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union [en]
sáttmálinn um Evrópusambandið
Treaty on European Union [en]
TEU [en]
sáttmálinn um starfshætti Evrópusambandsins (TFEU)
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union [en]
TFEU [en]
sáttmáli um verndun mannréttinda og mannfrelsis
Evrópusáttmáli um verndun mannréttinda og mannfrelsis
mannréttindasáttmáli Evrópu
SES nr. 5, 9, 46, 114 og 117 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [en]
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [en]
ECHR [en]
ETS No. 05, 09, 046, 114, 117 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
senda erindi til umboðsmanns Evrópusambandsins
apply to the European Ombudsman [en]
sérlegur fulltrúi Evrópusambandsins
sérlegur fulltrúi ESB
European Union Special Representative [en]
EUSR [en]
SIC-túlkun 27, mat á efnisinnihaldi viðskipta þegar um er að ræða leigusamninga í lagalegum skilningi
SIC-27 Evaluating the Substance of Transactions Involving the Legal Form of a Lease [en]
SIC-túlkun 27, mat á inntaki viðskipta þegar um leigusamning er að ræða í lagalegum skilningi
SIC 27 Evaluating the Substance of Transactions Involving in the Legal Form of a Lease [en]
SIC 27 [en]
siðareglur Evrópusambandsins
siðareglur ESB
European Union Code of Conduct [en]
EU Code of Conduct [en]
siðareglur Evrópusambandsins um vopnaútflutning
siðareglur ESB um vopnaútflutning
European Union Code of Conduct on Arms Exports [en]
EU Code of Conduct on Arms Exports [en]
lemon juice [en]
charter party [en]
skógræktaráætlun fyrir ESB
skógræktaráætlun fyrir Evrópusambandið
Forestry Strategy for the EU [en]
Forestry Strategy for the European Union [en]
Loophole agreement [en]
staða fyrir lausagang
idle position [en]
staðall fyrir þráðlausa skilfleti
air-interface standard [en]
spot product [en]
staðlað vöruflokkunarkerfi Evrópusambandsins fyrir hagskýrslur um flutninga
uniform nomenclature of goods for transport statistics [en]
NST [en]
standard goods classification for transport statistics [en]
staðlað vöruflokkunarkerfi Evrópusambandsins fyrir hagskýrslur um flutninga, 2007
NST 2007
standard goods classification for transport statistics, 2007 [en]
NST 2007 [en]
staðlað vöruflokkunarkerfi Evrópusambandsins fyrir hagskýrslur um flutninga, endursk. útg.
standard goods classification for transport statistics - revised [en]
NST/R [en]
starfsemi við miðlun hrávörusamninga
commodity contracts brokerage [en]
Starfsmannadómstóll Evrópusambandsins
European Union Civil Service Tribunal [en]
Civil Service Tribunal [en]
CST [en]
EU-Personaleretten, Retten for EU-Personalesager [da]
Europeiska unionens personaldomstol [sæ]
Tribunal de la fonction publique de l´Union européenne [fr]
Gericht für den öffentlichen Dienst der Europäischen Union [de]
starfssvið Hagstofu Evrópubandalaganna
starfssvið Hagstofu Evrópusambandsins
Eurostat work themes [en]
stefna ESB
stefna Evrópusambandsins
EU policy [en]
policy for the European Union [en]
stefna Evrópusambandsins í öryggis- og varnarmálum
European Security and Defence Policy [en]
ESDP [en]
stefna innri markaðarins varðandi þráðlausan fjarskiptabúnað
internal market policy for radio equipment [en]
stefna Sambandsins í orkumálum
stefna Evrópusambandsins í orkumálum
stefna ESB í orkumálum
Union policy on energy [en]
energy policy for the European Union [en]
EU energy policy [en]
stefna um aðlögun innflytjenda í Evrópusambandinu
immigrant integration policy in the European Union [en]
Stefnuáætlunin um innra öryggi Evrópusambandsins
Internal Security Strategy for the European Union [en]
ISS [en]
stefnuáætlun um orkusamband
Energy Union Strategy [en]
strategi for energiunionen [da]
Rahmenstrategie für die Energieunion [de]
stefnumið Evrópusambandsins
European Union´s policies [en]
stefnuræða forseta framkvæmdastjórnar Evrópusambandsins
State of the Union address [en]
tale om Unionens tilstand [da]
discours sur l´état de l´Union [fr]
Rede zur Lage der Union [de]
stilliskrúfa fyrir lausagang
idling adjustment screw [en]
air adjusting screw [en]
idle air adjusting screw [en]
tomgangsluftskrue [da]
tomgångsjusterskruv [sæ]
Stjórnartíðindi Evrópusambandsins
Stjtíð. ESB
Official Journal of the European Union [en]
OJEU [en]
OJ [en]
stjórnsýsluþjónusta í tengslum við verktökusamninga
contract administration service [en]
stofnanarammi Evrópusambandsins
institutional framework of the European Union [en]
master cell bank [en]
stofnsamþykkt Dómstóls Evrópusambandsins
Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union [en]
Stofnun Evópusambandsins í öryggisfræðum
European Union Institute for Security Studies [en]
ISS [en]
Stofnun Evrópusambandsins um rekstur stórra upplýsingatæknikerfa á svæði frelsis, öryggis og réttlætis
European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice [en]
eu-LISA [en]
extrusion line [en]
stækkun Evrópusambandsins
stækkun ESB
enlargement of the European Union [en]
EU enlargement [en]
stöðugt plöntusamfélag með fagurlimi
stable Buxus sempervirens formation [en]
southern African pilchard [en]
sydafrikansk sardin [da]
sydafrikansk sardin [sæ]
Südafrikanische Sardine [de]
Sardinops sagax [la]
sviðsstjóri hermálastarfsliðs ESB
sviðsstjóri hermálastarfsliðs Evrópusambandsins
Director General EU Military Staff (EUMS) [en]
Director-General EU Military Staff (EUMS) [en]
Director General of the European Union Military Staff [en]
cypress [en]
cypres [da]
cypress-arter [sæ]
cyprès véritable, cypress véritable [fr]
Zypresse [de]
Cupressus spp. [la]
acid salt [en]
Sögulegt skjalasafn Evrópusambandsins
Sögulegt skjalasafn Sambandsins
Historical Archives of the European Union [en]
Historical Archives of the Union [en]
sales contract [en]
táknmynd Evrópusambandsins
táknmynd ESB
European Union emblem [en]
emblem of the European Union [en]
EU emblem [en]
tenging flutninganeta Evrópusambandsins við net í nágrannalöndunum
connecting the Union transport infrastructure network to its neighbours [en]
tilvísunarmiðstöð Evrópusambandsins
European Union reference centre [en]
Europæiske Unions referencecentre [da]
referenscentrum i Europeiska unionen [sæ]
tilvísunarrannsóknarstofa Evrópusambandsins
tilvísunarrannsóknarstofa ESB
European Union reference laboratory [en]
EU reference laboratory [en]
EURL [en]
EU-referencelaboratorium [da]
EU:s referenslaboratorium [sæ]
laboratoire de référence de l´Union européenne [fr]
Referanzlaboratorium der Europäischen Union, Gemeinschaftliches Referenzlabor [de]
tilvísunarrannsóknarstofa Evrópusambandsins fyrir fóðuraukefni
European Union Reference Laboratory for Feed Additives [en]
tilvísunarrannsóknarstofa Evrópusambandsins fyrir sjávarlífeitur
European Union Reference Laboratory on marine biotoxins [en]
EU-referencelaboratorium til kontrol med marine biotoksiner [da]
laboratoire de référence de lUnion européenne pour les biotoxines marines [fr]
Gemeinschaftliches Referenzlaboratorium für marine Biotoxine [de]
timburreglugerð Evrópusambandsins
European Union Timber Regulation [en]
Europæisk Unions tømmerforordning [da]
Europeisk unionens timmerförordning [sæ]
tar sand [en]
trúnaðarflokkaðar upplýsingar Evrópusambandsins
European Union Classified Information [en]
EUCI [en]
tvíhliða samvinnusamningur
bilateral cooperation agreement [en]
bilateral co-operation agreement [en]
tæki fyrir þráðlausa sendingu og móttöku
radio transmission apparatus with reception apparatus [en]
computer configuration [en]
tölvusamþætt framleiðsla
computer integrated manufacturing [en]
tölvusamþætt framleiðsla og högun
computer integrated manufacturing and engineering [en]
CIME [en]
umboðsmaður Evrópusambandsins
umboðsmaður ESB
European Ombudsman [en]
umhverfismerki Evrópusambandsins
European Union eco-label [en]
umhverfismerkinganefnd Evrópusambandsins
European Union Eco-Labelling Board [en]
European Union EcoLabelling Board [en]
EUEB [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Miljømærkenævn [da]
Europeiska unionens miljömärkningsnämnd [sæ]
comité de l´Union européenne pour le label écologique, CUELE [fr]
Ausschuss für das Umweltzeichen der Europäischen Union, AUEU [de]
servicing contract [en]
Ungt fólk á faraldsfæti: framtaksverkefni til að leysa úr læðingi mátt ungs fólks til að ná upp snjallhagvexti, sjálfbærum hagvexti og hagvexti fyrir alla í Evrópusambandinu
Youth on the Move: An initiative to unleash the potential of young people to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the European Union [en]
utanríkisþjónusta Evrópusambandsins
utanríkisþjónusta ESB
European External Action Service [en]
EEAS [en]
EU-Udenrigstjenesten, Tjenesten for EU´s Optræden Udadtil [da]
Europeiska utrikestjänsten [sæ]
Service européen pour l´action extérieure, SEAE [fr]
Euopäischer Auswärtiger Dienst, EAD [de]
contract of issue [en]
útgáfuskrifstofa Evrópusambandsins
Publications Office of the European Union [en]
Den Europæiske Unions Publikationskontor [da]
Europeiska unionens publikationsbyrå [sæ]
Office des publications de l´Union européenne [fr]
Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union [de]
útgjöld Evrópusambandsins
útgjöld ESB
EU spending [en]
útlána- og lausafjáráhætta
credit and liquidity risk [en]
verðlausar eignir
stranded assets [en]
verkefni Evrópusambandsins til stuðnings réttarríkinu
European Union Rule of Law Mission [en]
verkfærakassi fyrir betri reglusetningu
verkfærakassi framkvæmdastjórnar Evrópusambandsins fyrir betri reglusetningu
better regulation toolbox [en]
European Commission Better Regulation Toolbox [en]
Western European Union [en]
WEU [en]
Den Vesteuropæiske Union, Vestunionen [da]
Västeuropeiska unionen [sæ]
Union de l´Europe occidentale [fr]
Westeuropäische Union [de]
viðaukagrein við vináttu-, verslunar- og búsetusamning, milli Íslands og Sviss, 10.02.1875
Additional Article to the Agreement on Friendship, Trade and Residence, between Iceland and Switzerland, 10.02.1875 [en]
viðbótarbókun í kjölfar aðildar lýðveldisins Austurríkis, lýðveldisins Finnlands og konungsríkisins Svíþjóðar að Evrópusambandinu, við viðskiptasamning milli Íslands og Efnahagsbandalags Evrópu, 22.07.1972
Additional Protocol, consequent on the Accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union, to the Trade Agreement between Iceland and the European Economic Community, 22.07.1972 [en]
viðbótarbókun við samninginn milli Konungsríkisins Noregs og Evrópusambandsins um fjármagnskerfi Noregs fyrir tímabilið 2009-2014 í kjölfar þátttöku Lýðveldisins Króatíu í Evrópska efnahagssvæðinu
Additional Protocol to the Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the European Union on a Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the Period 2009-2014 consequent to the Participation of the Republic of Croatia in the European Economic Area [en]
Viðmiðunarefna- og mælingastofnun framkvæmdastjórnarinnar
Viðmiðunarefna- og mælingastofnun Sameiginlegrar rannsóknarmiðstöðvar framkvæmdastjórnar Evrópusambandsins
Commission´s Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements [en]
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements [en]
reference idle speed [en]
viðskiptadagbók Evrópusambandsins
viðskiptadagbók ESB
European Union Transaction Log [en]
EUTL [en]
EU-transaktionsjournal [da]
EU:s transaktionsförteckning [sæ]
Journal des transactions de l´Union européenne [fr]
Transaktionsprotokoll der Europäischen Union [de]
viðskipta- og greiðslusamningur, milli Íslands og Rússneska sambandsríkisins
Agreement on Trade and Payments, between Iceland and the Russian Federation [en]
viðskipta- og greiðslusamningur, milli Íslands og Ungverjalands
Trade and Payment Agreement, between Iceland and Hungary [en]
viðskiptasamningur og greiðslusamningur, milli Íslands og Ísraels
Agreement on Trade and Payments, between Iceland and Israel [en]
vináttusamningur, milli Íslands og Írans
Treaty of Friendship, between Iceland and Iran [en]
vináttu-, verslunar- og búsetusamningur, milli Íslands og Sviss
Agreement on Friendship, Trade and Residence, between Iceland and Switzerland [en]
vinna í lausamennsku
work on a freelance basis [en]
trust deed [en]
supply contract [en]
supplies contract [en]
yfirvöld sem annast vátryggingaeftirlit í aðildarríkjum Evrópusambandsins
Insurance Supervisory Authorities of the Member States of the European Union [en]
það að birtast í Stjórnartíðindunum Evrópusambandsins
publication in the Official Journal of the European Union [en]
það að gera e-n hreyfingarlausan
immobilisation [en]
immobilization [en]
expansion joint [en]
dilatationsfuge, ekspansionsfuge, ekspansionsled [da]
dilatationsfog, expansionsfog [sæ]
Fahrbahnübergang [de]
pool service [en]
service level agreement [en]
service agreement [en]
service contract [en]
contract of service [en]
compressor pack [en]
compressor rack [en]
þjöppusamstæða með eimsvala
condensing unit [en]
kondenseringsaggregat, kompressor-kondensoraggregat [da]
groupe compresseur-condenseur [fr]
Verfluessigungssatz [de]
concentrated grape [en]
grape juice [en]
þrúgusafi til notkunar við kirkjulegar athafnir
grape juice for sacramental use [en]
Þýðingamiðstöð fyrir stofnanir Evrópusambandsins
Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union [en]
CdT [en]
microbial community [en]
öryggisþjónusta Kópernikusar
Copernicus security services [en]

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