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Protocol 19 on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union
Protocol No 19 on the Schengen acquis integrated into the framework of the European Union
bókun 19 um Schengen-réttarreglurnar sem hafa verið felldar inn í ramma Evrópusambandsins [is]
Protocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union
bókun sem fellir Schengen-réttarreglurnar inn í ramma Evrópusambandsins [is]
Protocole intégrant l´acquis de Schengen dans le cadre de l''Union européenne [fr]
Protokoll zur Einbeziehung des Schengen-Besitzstands in den Rahmen der Europäischen Union [de]
Standing Committee on the evaluation and implementation of Schengen
fastanefnd um mat á Schengen-samningnum og framkvæmd hans [is]
Det Stående Udvalg for Anvendelse og Evaluering af Schengenreglerne [da]
ständiga kommittén för utvärdering och genomförande av [sæ]
Commission permanente d´évaluation et d´application de Schengen [fr]
ständiger Ausschuss Schengener Durchführungsübereinkommen [de]
entry of an alert in the Schengen Information System
innfærsla skráningar í Schengen-upplýsingakerfið [is]
intégration d´un signalement dans le Système d´Information Schengen [fr]
Aufnahme einer Ausschreibung in das Schengener Informationssystem [de]
national Schengen Information System
landsbundið Schengen-upplýsingakerfi [is]
Schengen-upplýsingakerfi í hverju landi [is]
national section of the Schengen Information System
landseining í Schengen-upplýsingakerfinu [is]
partie nationale du Système d´Information Schengen [fr]
nationaler Teil des Schengener Informationssystems [de]
central Schengen Information System
miðlægt Schengen-upplýsingakerfi [is]
Schengen accounts
reikningsskil vegna Schengen [is]
operation of the Schengen Information System
rekstur Schengen-upplýsingakerfisins [is]
exploitation du Système d´Information Schengen [fr]
Betrieb des Schengener Informationssystems [de]
Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the establishment of rights and obligations between Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the one hand, and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the other, in the areas of the Schengen acquis which apply to these States
samningur sem ráð Evrópusambandsins og lýðveldið Ísland og Konungsríkið Noregur gera með sér um að koma á réttindum og skyldum milli Írlands og Hins sameinaða konungsríkis Stóra-Bretlands og Norður-Írlands annars vegar og lýðveldisins Íslands og Konungsríkisins Noregs hins vegar á þeim sviðum Schengen-gerðanna sem taka til þessara ríkja [is]
Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway concerning the latters´ association to the implementation, application and development of the Schengen-acquis
samningur sem ráð Evrópusambandsins og lýðveldið Ísland og konungsríkið Noregur gera með sér um þátttöku hinna síðarnefndu í framkvæmd, beitingu og þróun Schengen-gerðanna [is]
Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the Gradual Abolition of Checks at their Common Borders
Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement
samningur um framkvæmd Schengen-samkomulagsins milli ríkisstjórna ríkja Benelúx-efnahagssambandsins, Sambandslýðveldisins Þýskalands og Lýðveldisins Frakklands um afnám í áföngum á eftirliti á sameiginlegum landamærum [is]
samningur um framkvæmd Schengen-samkomulagsins [is]
cooperation authorised by the Schengen Protocol
co-operation authorised by the Schengen Protocol
samstarf á grundvelli Schengen-bókunarinnar [is]
Schengen associated countries
samstarfslönd Schengen [is]
Cooperation Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the Portuguese Republic, the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, Contracting Parties to the Schengen Agreement and to the Schengen Convention, and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the abolition of controls on persons at their common borders
samstarfssamningur Konungsríkisins Belgíu, Sambandslýðveldisins Þýskalands, Lýðveldisins Frakklands, Stórhertogadæmisins Lúxemborgar, Konungsríkisins Hollands, Lýðveldisins Ítalíu, Konungsríkisins Spánar, Lýðveldisins Portúgals, Lýðveldisins Grikklands, Lýðveldisins Austurríkis, Konungsríkisins Danmerkur, Lýðveldisins Finnlands, Konungsríkisins Svíþjóðar, sem eru aðilar að Schengen-samkomulaginu og Schengen-samningnum, og lýðveldisins Íslands og Konungsríkisins Noregs um afnám persónueftirlits á sameiginlegum landamærum [is]
Cooperation Agreement between the Contracting Parties to the Schengen Agreement and the Schengen Convention of the one part and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway of the other
Co-operation Agreement between the Contracting Parties to the Schengen Agreement and the Schengen Convention of the one part and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway of the other
samstarfssamningur milli aðilanna að Schengen-samkomulaginu og Schengen-samningnum og lýðveldisins Íslands og Konungsríkisins Noregs [is]
Accord de coopération conclu entre les Parties contractantes de l´Accord de Schengen et de sa Convention d´application d´une part et la République d´Islande et le Royaume de Norvège d´autre part [fr]
Kooperationsübereinkommen zwischen den Vertragsparteien des Schengener Übereinkommens und des Schengener Durchführungsübereinkommens und der Republik Island sowie dem Königreich Norwegen [de]
Schengen Protocol
Schengen-bókunin [is]
Schengen Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Schengen-framkvæmdanefndin [is]
Schengeneksekutivkomitéen, Eksekutivkomitéen (Schengen) [da]
verkställande kommittén [sæ]
Comité exécutif de Schengen [fr]
Schengener Exekutivausschuß, Exekutivausschuss [de]
Schengen Borders Code
Schengen-landamærareglurnar [is]
Schengen catalogue for external border control
Schengen-leiðbeiningarritið um vörslu á ytri landamærum [is]
Schengen acquis
Schengen-réttarreglurnar [is]
Acquis de Schengen [fr]
Schengen-Besitzstand [de]
Schengen State
Schengen-ríki [is]
État Schengen [fr]
Schengen-Staat [de]
Schengen Agreement on the gradual abolition of controls at the common borders
Schengen-samkomulagið um afnám í áföngum á eftirliti á sameiginlegum landamærum [is]
Schengen Agreements
Schengen-samningarnir [is]
Schengen Convention
Schengen-samningurinn [is]
Schengen consultation network
Schengen-samráðsnetið [is]
EU Schengen Catalogue
Schengen-skrá ESB [is]
EU´s Schengenkatalog [da]
UE-catalogue Schengen [fr]
EU-Schengen-Katalog [de]
Schengen Secretariat
Schengen-skrifstofa [is]
Secrétariat Schengen [fr]
Schengen Sekretariat [de]
Schengen area
Schengen-svæðið [is]
Schengen territory
Schengen-svæðið [is]
territoire Schengen [fr]
Schengener Gemeinschaftsgebiet [de]
Schengen environment
Schengen-umhverfið [is]
Schengen Information System
Schengen-upplýsingakerfið [is]
Systeme d´information Schengen [fr]
Schengener Informationssystem [de]
Schengen evaluation
Schengen-úttekt [is]
Schengen evaluator
Schengen-úttektaraðili [is]
alert entered into the Schengen Information System
skráning í Schengen-upplýsingakerfinu [is]
signalement dans le Système d´Information Schengen [fr]
Ausschreibung im Schengener Informationssystem [de]
local Schengen cooperation
local Schengen co-operation
staðbundið Schengen-samstarf [is]
establishment of the Schengen Information System
uppsetning Schengen-upplýsingakerfisins [is]
création du Système d´Information Schengen [fr]
Einrichtung des Schengener Informationssystems [de]
Schengen visa issuing post
útgáfustaður Schengen-vegabréfsáritana [is]
Schengen evaluation and monitoring mechanism
úttektar- og eftirlitskerfi Schengen [is]
Schengen Information System Working Group
SIS Working Group
vinnuhópur Schengen-upplýsingakerfisins [is]
SIS-vinnuhópur [is]

40 niðurstöður fundust.

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