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Hugtakasafn þýðingamiðstöðvar utanríkisráðuneytisins

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Hugtakasafn : Niðurstöður leitar að "n ho"

incidence angle [en]
incident angle [en]
angle of incidence [en]
infaldsvinkel [da]
infallsvinkel [sæ]
angle d´incidence [fr]
Einfallswinkel [de]
incidence angle modifier [en]
IAM [en]
nominal descent slope [en]
glideslope angle [en]
aftanvert kviðarhol
post-abdomen [en]
aftanvert munnhol
back of the oral cavity [en]
alto horn [en]
alþjóðasamningur um auðveldun innflutnings á vörusýnishornum og auglýsingaefni
International Convention to Facilitate the Importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising Material [en]
alþjóðlegi Hong Kong-samningurinn um örugga og umhverfisvæna endurvinnslu skipa
Hong Kong-samningurinn
Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships [en]
Hong Kong Convention [en]
Amaranthus hypochondriacus
Amaranthus hypochondriacus [en]
Amaranthus hypochondriacus [la]
antiandrogen [en]
androgen antagonist [en]
Angelica palustris (Besser) Hoffm.
Angelica palustris (Besser) Hoffm. [en]
Angelica palustris (Besser) Hoffm. [la]
Arhynchobdellae [en]
Arhynchobdellae [la]
Atlantic needlefish [en]
atlantisk hornfisk [da]
atlantisk nålgädda [sæ]
Atlantischer Hornhecht [de]
Strongylura marina [la]
Avenula hackelii (Henriq.) Holub
Avenula hackelii (Henriq.) Holub [en]
Avenula hackelii (Henriq.) Holub [la]
angle of attack [en]
azimuth [en]
azimut, retvisende pejling [da]
azimut, sann bäring [sæ]
azimut, azimut direct, relèvement vrai [fr]
Azimut, Azimute [de]
áætlun Bandalagsins um öryggi, hollustuhætti og heilbrigði á vinnustað
Community Programme concerning safety, hygiene and health at work [en]
baritone horn [en]
bending angle [en]
hooter [en]
blindaðflug miðað við aðflugshorn
angular operation [en]
vinkeloperation [da]
vinkeloperation [sæ]
exploitation angulaire [fr]
Betrieb nach Winkelablage [de]
Borderea chouardii (Gaussen) Heslot
Borderea chouardii (Gaussen) Heslot [en]
Borderea chouardii (Gaussen) Heslot [la]
christmas tree [en]
borholulokagrind til olíuborunar
oil-rig Christmas tree [en]
well logging [en]
borun á borholum
well-drilling [en]
bókun 31 um innflutning til Evrópusambandsins á jarðolíuafurðum sem eru hreinsaðar á Hollensku Antillum
Protocol No 31 concerning imports into the European Union of petroleum products refined in the Netherlands Antilles [en]
thoracic surgery [en]
naður fyrir borholutoppa
well-head equipment [en]
naður, notaður í borholum
downhole equipment [en]
naður til prófana á borholum
well-testing equipment [en]
naður til tenginga og frágangs við borholur
well-completion equipment [en]
Centaurea horrida Badaro
Centaurea horrida Badaro [en]
Centaurea horrida Badaro [la]
Centaurea micrantha Hoffmanns. & Link
Centaurea micrantha Hoffmanns. & Link [en]
Centaurea micrantha Hoffmanns. & Link [la]
Chondrostoma genei
Chondrostoma genei [en]
Chondrostoma genei [la]
Chondrostoma lusitanicum
Chondrostoma lusitanicum [en]
Chondrostoma lusitanicum [la]
Chondrostoma polylepsis
Chondrostoma polylepsis [en]
Chondrostoma polylepsis [la]
Chondrostoma soetta
Chondrostoma soetta [en]
Chondrostoma soetta [la]
Chondrostoma toxostoma
Chondrostoma toxostoma [en]
Chondrostoma toxostoma [la]
Cinchona pubescens
Cinchona pubescens [en]
Chinchona pubescens [la]
Cobitis trichonica
Cobitis trichonica [en]
Cobitis trichonica [la]
Distichophyllum carinatum Dix. & Nich.
Distichophyllum carinatum Dix. & Nich. [en]
Distichophyllum carinatum Dix. & Nich. [la]
dreifing ljóss innan rúmfræðilegra horna
angle of geometric visibility [en]
vinkel for geometrisk synlighed, synlighedsvinkel [da]
Winkel der geometrischen Sichtbarkeit [de]
economic outlook [en]
perspectives économiques [fr]
follicle stimulating hormone [en]
FSH [en]
enskt horn
English horn [en]
Euphorbia margalidiana Kuhbier & Lewejohann
Euphorbia margalidiana Kuhbier & Lewejohann [en]
Euphorbia margalidiana Kuhbier & Lewejohann [la]
Euphorbia nevadensis Boiss. & Reuter
Euphorbia nevadensis Boiss. & Reuter [en]
Euphorbia nevadensis Boiss. & Reuter [la]
Euphorbia transtagana Boiss.
Euphorbia transtagana Boiss. [en]
Euphorbia transtagana Boiss. [la]
Evrópusamningur um ofbeldi og ótilhlýðilega hegðun áhorfenda á íþróttamótum, einkum á knattspyrnuleikjum
SES nr. 120 (Safn Evrópusamninga)
European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches [en]
ETS No. 120 (Complete list of the Council of Europe´s treaties) [en]
Tristan da Cunha rock lobster [en]
Tristan rock lobster [en]
tristanlanguster, Tristan-languster [da]
tristanlangust [sæ]
Jasus tristani [la]
fastanefnd ríkisstjórnar Hollands
Netherlands Standing Government Committee [en]
plane angle [en]
ebener Winkel [de]
flugel horn [en]
angle of flooding [en]
flötur sýnishorns
specimen plane [en]
forspennt holplata
prestressed hollow core floor unit [en]
franskt horn
French horn [en]
Fritillaria rhodocanakis Orph. ex Baker
Fritillaria rhodocanakis Orph. ex Baker [en]
Fritillaria rhodocanakis Orph. ex Baker [la]
rubbing band [en]
ramp angle [en]
rampevinkel [da]
frigångsvinkel [sæ]
fylgihlutir til tannholslækninga
endodontics accessories [en]
færa til nútímahorfs
modernise [en]
modernize [en]
gagnagrunnur Interpol um stolin og horfin ferðaskilríki
gagnagrunnur um stolin og horfin ferðaskilríki
gagnagrunnur Alþjóðasambands sakamálalögreglu um stolin og horfin ferðaskilríki
Interpol´s Stolen and Lost Travel Documents database [en]
SLTD database [en]
Stolen and Lost Travel Documents database [en]
Genista holopetala (Fleischm. ex Koch) Baldacci
Genista holopetala (Fleischm. ex Koch) Baldacci [en]
Genista holopetala (Fleischm. ex Koch) Baldacci [la]
Gentiana ligustica R. de Vilm. & Chopinet
Gentiana ligustica R. de Vilm. & Chopinet [en]
Gentiana ligustica R. de Vilm. & Chopinet [la]
type sample [en]
megaphone [en]
wide-angle [en]
panoramic rear-view mirror [en]
góðar hollustustarfsvenjur
good hygiene practices [en]
Graphoderus bilineatus
Graphoderus bilineatus [en]
Graphoderus bilineatus [la]
hafsbotninn, botnlög hans og hafið yfir honum
sea bed, its subsoil and its superjacent waters [en]
seabed, its subsoil and its superjacent waters [en]
angle of heel [en]
angle of inclination [en]
hallahorn framrúðu
rake angle of a windscreen [en]
háfur af tegundinni Centrophorus lusitanicus
Centrophorus lusitanicus
lowfin gulper shark [en]
Centrophorus lusitanicus [la]
maximum turning angle [en]
hámarkshorn aðflugshalla
maximum glideslope angle [en]
hámarkshorn sem hné beygist í
maximum dynamic knee bending angle [en]
obstruction angle [en]
angle of obstruction [en]
antler [en]
gevir [da]
horn [sæ]
bois, ramure [fr]
Geweih [de]
hlutar til borholuvinnslu
parts of well-extraction machinery [en]
blue grenadier [en]
hoki [da]
Macruronus novaezealandiae [la]
broiler house [en]
broiler [en]
broiler chicken [en]
slagtekylling [da]
matkyckling, slaktkyckling, broiler, gödkyckling [sæ]
poulet de chair, poulet d´engraissement [fr]
Masthähnchen [de]
beef breed [en]
meat-type breed [en]
meat strain [en]
kødrace [da]
köttras, köttdjursras [sæ]
race à viande, race de boucherie [fr]
Mastrasse, Fleischrasse [de]
conformation class [en]
carcass conformation class [en]
kropsbygningsklasse [da]
slaktkroppsklassificering, konformationsklass [sæ]
classe de conformation [fr]
Fleischigkeitsklasse [de]
beef conformation [en]
beef cattle conformation [en]
kødsætning [da]
slaktkroppskonformation [sæ]
conformation bouchère [fr]
Fleischansatz [de]
redeye round herring [en]
californisk rundsild, rødøjet rundsild [da]
kalifornisk rundsill, rundsill [sæ]
Kalifornischer Rundhering, Gemeiner Rundhering [de]
Etrumeus teres [la]
axilliary lymph node [en]
axillary lymph node [en]
axillelymfeknude [da]
axillär lymfknut [sæ]
ganglion axillaire, nud lymphatique axillaire [fr]
anxillarer Lymphknoten [de]
holhandar- og nárasvæði
axillary and inguinal areas [en]
Holland (Niðurland)
Konungsríki Niðurlanda
Netherlands, the [en]
Kingdom of the Netherlands [en]
NL [en]
NLD [en]
Netherlands [en]
Nederlandene, Kongeriget Nederlandene [da]
Nederländerna, Konungariket Nederländerna [sæ]
les Pays-Bas, le Royaume des Pays-Bas [fr]
die Niederlande, das Königreich der Niederlande [de]
Dutch [en]
nld [en]
hollenskt gyllini
Dutch guilder [en]
NLG [en]
Hollensku Antillur
Hollensku Antillaeyjar
Netherlands Antilles [en]
hollensk velta
Dutch roll [en]
health characteristic [en]
hollustuhættir á vinnustað
occupational hygiene [en]
hollustumál starfsmanna
workers´ hygiene [en]
cavitation [en]
cannula [en]
holpípa til nota við munn við munn endurlífgun
cannula for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation [en]
endoscopy [en]
endoscopic equipment [en]
hollow block [en]
Lýðveldið Hondúras
Honduras [en]
Republic of Honduras [en]
HN [en]
HND [en]
Honduras, Republikken Honduras [da]
Honduras, Republiken Honduras [sæ]
le Honduras, la République du Honduras [fr]
Honduras, die Republik Honduras [de]
Hong Kong
Hong Kong, sérstjórnarsvæði Alþýðulýðveldisins Kína
Hong Kong [en]
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region og the People´s Republic of China [en]
horfinn maður
missing person [en]
personne disparue [fr]
Vermisster [de]
horfnir menn
persons who have disappeared [en]
personnes disparues [fr]
Vermissten [de]
Horizon 2020 - rammaáætlun um rannsóknir og nýsköpun
Horizon 2020 - The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation [en]
hormone [en]
medicinal product for the hormones [en]
systemic hormonal preparation [en]
hormonal imbalance [en]
hormonal action [en]
croissant [en]
horn [en]
horn [da]
horn [sæ]
corne, cornu [fr]
Horn [de]
angular variation [en]
vinkelvariation, variation i vinkel [da]
horn product [en]
hornprodukt [da]
hornprodukt [sæ]
produit à base de corne [fr]
Hornprodukt [de]
diagonal [en]
diagonal line [en]
horn meal [en]
hornmel [da]
hornmjöl [sæ]
farine de corne torréfiée [fr]
Hornmehl [de]
theodolite [en]
horna- og endaskekkjulóð
eccentric loads [en]
horna- og endaskekkjuprófun
eccentricity test [en]
keratin [en]
needlefish [en]
needlefish family [en]
needlefishes [en]
Belonidae [la]
garfish [en]
hornfisk, almindelig hornfisk [da]
näbbgädda [sæ]
Hornhecht [de]
Belone belone (úrelt heiti: Belone acus, B. vulgaris og B. euxini) [la]
horned melon [en]
afrika agurk, kiwano [da]
kiwano [sæ]
concombre africain, kiwano [fr]
Horn-Gurke, Hommelone, Kiwano [de]
Cucumis metuliferus [la]
kiwano [en]
kiwano [da]
kiwano, horngurka [sæ]
kiwanos, melon à cornes, concombre porte-cornes [fr]
Horngurke, Hornmelone [de]
Cucumis metuliferus [la]
hornhimnumótandi linsa
orthokeratological lense [en]
angular velocity [en]
angular speed [en]
vinkelhastighed [da]
vinkelhastighet [sæ]
hornlag húðar
stratum corneum [en]
keratolytic [en]
keratolytisk [da]
keratolytisk [sæ]
square [en]
hornrétt aðfall
normal incidence [en]
retvinklet indstråling [da]
normalt infall [sæ]
hornrétt á álagsstefnu
normal to the direction of load application [en]
perpendicular [en]
perpendikulær, lodret [da]
vinkelrät [sæ]
hornrétt varp
orthogonal projection [en]
horn sem hné beygist í
dynamic knee bending angle [en]
sticklebacks [en]
hundestejler, hundestejlefamilien [da]
spiggfiskar [sæ]
Stichlinge [de]
Gasterosteidae [la]
essential building block [en]
key building block [en]
cornerstone [en]
hornstýfðir nautgripir
polled cattle [en]
Howland Island [en]
hreinsiblanda fyrir flotholt
float-cleaning solution [en]
video-endoscopy [en]
hús fyrir fugla til undaneldis á holdakjúklingum
house for broiler breeders [en]
Hyacinthoides vicentina (Hoffmanns. & Link) Rothm.
Hyacinthoides vicentina (Hoffmanns. & Link) Rothm. [en]
Hyacinthoides vicentina (Hoffmanns. & Link) Rothm. [la]
Cape rock lobster [en]
Kap-languster, kaplanguster [da]
kaplangust [sæ]
Rote Languste, Kaplanguste, Afrikanische Languste [de]
Jasus lalandii [la]
inngjöf efna í kviðarhol
administration of substances by intraperitoneal routes [en]
inngripsbúnaður fyrir borholur
well-intervention equipment [en]
floor hockey [en]
innyfli í kviðarholi
abdominal viscera [en]
angle of equilibrium [en]
angle of repose [en]
skræntvinkel [da]
rasvinkel [sæ]
Böschungswinkel [de]
androgen [en]
androgen [da]
androgen [sæ]
androgène [fr]
Androgene, Testikelhormone, androgene Stoffe [de]
pitch attitude [en]
krabbamein í afholum nefs
sinonasal cancer [en]
bihulekræft [da]
bihålecancer [sæ]
cancer des sinus et des fosses nasales [fr]
sinonasal Karzinom [de]
krabbamein í munnholi
mouth cancer [en]
kviðarholshluti ósæðar ofan nýrna
supra-renal abdominal aorta [en]
sex hormone [en]
kynhormónakveikja í þvagi eftir tíðahvörf
human menopausal urinary gonadotrophin [en]
gonadotrophin [en]
kynhormónavaki sem unninn er úr blóðvatni fyljaðra mera
pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin [en]
landing attitude [en]
Leuzea longifolia Hoffmanns. & Link
Leuzea longifolia Hoffmanns. & Link [en]
Leuzea longifolia Hoffmanns. & Link [la]
Limonium lanceolatum (Hoffmanns. & Link) Franco
Limonium lanceolatum (Hoffmanns. & Link) Franco [en]
Limonium lanceolatum (Hoffmanns. & Link) Franco [la]
Linaria coutinhoi Valdés
Linaria coutinhoi Valdés [en]
Linaria coutinhoi Valdés [la]
Linaria ficalhoana Rouy
Linaria ficalhoana Rouy [en]
Linaria ficalhoana Rouy [la]
Lithodora nitida (H. Ern) R. Fernandes
Lithodora nitida (H. Ern) R. Fernandes [en]
Lithodora nitida (H. Ern) R. Fernandes [la]
tegundir rauðþörunga af ættkvíslinni Lithothamnion
Lithothamnion spp. [en]
Lithothamnion spp. [la]
Lithothamnium coralloides Crouan frat.
Lithothamnium coralloides Crouan frat. [en]
Lithothamnium coralloides Crouan frat. [la]
ljósmyndun í borholum
downhole photography service [en]
loftflutningasamningur, milli Íslands og Hollands
Air Transport Agreement, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
lokunartími dvalhorns
dwell-angle [en]
lokun/þétting á borholum
well-plugging service [en]
losunarhormón kynhormónavaka
gonadotrophin releasing hormone [en]
GnRH [en]
gonadotrophin releasing factor [en]
GnRF [en]
gonadotropin-hormone releasing factor [en]
gonadotropin releasing hormon, gonadotropin-frigørende hormon, GnRH [da]
gonadotropinfrisläppande hormon [sæ]
hormone libérant la gonadotrophine, facteur de libération de la gonadotrophine [fr]
lækkunarhorn sjónflugshluta
visual segment descent angle [en]
VSDA [en]
locking angle [en]
lög nr. 7/1998 um hollustuhætti og mengunarvarnir
Act No 7/1998 on hygiene and pollution prevention [en]
lög um aðbúnað, hollustuhætti og öryggi á vinnustöðum, nr. 46/1980
Act on Working Environment, Health and Safety in Workplaces No. 46/1980 [en]
Maculinea nausithous
Maculinea nausithous [en]
Maculinea nausithous [la]
meginreglur um öryggi og hollustuhætti á vinnustöðum
principles of good occupational safety and hygiene [en]
misræmi sem viðkemur sjónarhorfi
perspective differences [en]
oral cavity [en]
buccal cavity [en]
mælingar í borholum
downhole logging service [en]
mæling á holrýmd
voids measurement [en]
Narcissus viridiflorus Schousboe
Narcissus viridiflorus Schousboe [en]
Narcissus viridiflorus Schousboe [la]
vaxtarhormón nautgripa
bovine somatotrophin [en]
BST [en]
náttúrulegt holrými
natural excavation [en]
níutíu gráðu horn
right angle [en]
Nothothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull.
Nothothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. [en]
Nothothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. [la]
Ornithogalum reverchonii Degen & Herv.-Bass.
Ornithogalum reverchonii Degen & Herv.-Bass. [en]
Ornithogalum reverchonii Degen & Herv.-Bass. [la]
óhollar neysluvenjur
unhealthy dietary habits [en]
ólögleg viðskipti með hormónaefni og aðra vaxtarhvata
illicit trafficking in hormonal substances and other growth promoters [en]
ótilætluð holmyndun
unintended cavitation [en]
Papilio hospiton
Papilio hospiton [en]
Papilio hospiton [la]
Phoenix theophrasti Greuter
Phoenix theophrasti Greuter [en]
Phoenix theophrasti Greuter [la]
Phoxinellus spp.
Phoxinellus spp. [en]
Phoxinellus spp. [la]
Phymatholithon calcareum (Poll.) Adey & McKibbin
Phymatholithon calcareum (Poll.) Adey & McKibbin [en]
Phymatholithon calcareum (Poll.) Adey & McKibbin [la]
plöntusamfélag með bökkum vatnsfarvega með Rhododendron ponticum
plöntusamfélag með bökkum vatnsfarvega með lækjalyngrós
riparian formation with Rhododendron ponticum [en]
Pseudarrhenatherum pallens (Link) J. Holub
Pseudarrhenatherum pallens (Link) J. Holub [en]
Pseudarrhenatherum pallens (Link) J. Holub [la]
observation well [en]
observationsbrønd [da]
observationsbrunn [sæ]
puit d´observation [fr]
Grundwassermessstelle, Beobachtungsbrunnen [de]
ráðgjafarnefnd um öryggi, hollustuhætti og heilsuvernd á vinnustöðum
Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work [en]
Det Rådgivende Udvalg for Sikkerhed, Hygiejne og Sundhedsbeskyttelse på Arbejdspladsen [da]
Rådgivande kommittén för arbetarskyddsfrågor [sæ]
Comité consultatif pour la sécurité, l´hygiène et la protection de la santé sur le lieu de travail [fr]
Beratender Ausschuss für Sicherheit, Arbeitshygiene und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz [de]
hveljur af ættkvíslinni Rhopilema
jellyfishes [en]
Rhopilema spp. [la]
Riella helicophylla (Mont.) Hook.
Riella helicophylla (Mont.) Hook. [en]
Riella helicophylla (Mont.) Hook. [la]
dihedron [en]
rumvinkel [da]
rumsvinkel [sæ]
solid angle [en]
rumvinkel [da]
rymdvinkel [sæ]
dihedral [en]
dihedral, V-form [da]
steradian [en]
sr [en]
sameiginlegur fundur Matvæla- og landbúnaðarstofnunar SÞ og Alþjóðaheilbrigðismálastofnunarinnar um varnarefnaleifar
sameiginlegur fundur FAO og WHO um varnarefnaleifar
FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues [en]
Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues [en]
samkomulag við Benelúx-löndin um gagnkvæma niðurfellingu tolla af tækjum sem notuð eru til afgreiðslu á flugvélum, milli Íslands og Hollands
Agreement with the Benelux Countries on the Abolition of Customs Duties on Aviation Equipment, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samningur Alþjóðaviðskiptastofnunarinnar um beitingu ráðstafana um hollustuhætti og heilbrigði dýra og plantna
WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures [en]
WTO SPS Agreement [en]
World Trade Organization Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures [en]
samningur milli ríkisstjórnar lýðveldisins Íslands og stjórnvalda á sérstjórnarsvæðinu Hong Kong í alþýðulýðveldinu Kína um flugþjónustu, milli Íslands og Kína
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Iceland and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China concerning Air Services, between Iceland and China [en]
samningur til að komast hjá tvísköttun og koma í veg fyrir undanskot frá skattlagningu á tekjur og eignir, milli Íslands og Hollands
Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samningur um afnám frádráttarréttar, milli Íslands og Hollands
Agreement on the Abolition of Deduction Right, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samningur um bann við staðsetningu kjarnorkuvopna og annarra gjöreyðingarvopna á hafsbotni og í honum
Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor and in the Subsoil Thereof [en]
samningur um framsal sakamanna, milli Íslands og Hollands
Extradition Treaty, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samningur um skuldbundna gerð, milli Íslands og Hollands
Convention on Obligatory Arbitration, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samningur um undanþágu frá herþjónustu, milli Íslands og Hollands
Agreement on Exemption from Military Service, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samningur um vináttu, gott samlyndi og verslun, milli Íslands og Hollands
Agreement on Friendship, Amity and Trade between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samstarfssamningur Konungsríkisins Belgíu, Sambandslýðveldisins Þýskalands, Lýðveldisins Frakklands, Stórhertogadæmisins Lúxemborgar, Konungsríkisins Hollands, Lýðveldisins Ítalíu, Konungsríkisins Spánar, Lýðveldisins Portúgals, Lýðveldisins Grikklands, Lýðveldisins Austurríkis, Konungsríkisins Danmerkur, Lýðveldisins Finnlands, Konungsríkisins Svíþjóðar, sem eru aðilar að Schengen-samkomulaginu og Schengen-samningnum, og lýðveldisins Íslands og Konungsríkisins Noregs um afnám persónueftirlits á sameiginlegum landamærum
Cooperation Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the Portuguese Republic, the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, Contracting Parties to the Schengen Agreement and to the Schengen Convention, and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the abolition of controls on persons at their common borders [en]
Santolina impressa Hoffmanns. & Link
Santolina impressa Hoffmanns. & Link [en]
Santolina impressa Hoffmanns. & Link [la]
saxhorn [en]
Scrophularia berminii Hoffmanns & Link
Scrophularia berminii Hoffmanns & Link [en]
Scrophularia berminii Hoffmanns & Link [la]
Seðlabanki Hong Kong
Hong Kong Monetary Authority [en]
Shore hardness measurement [en]
Silene holzmanii Heldr. ex Boiss.
Silene holzmanii Heldr. ex Boiss. [en]
Silene holzmanii Heldr. ex Boiss. [la]
sjálfrennandi skothola
flowing shot [en]
flowing shot hole [en]
trou artésien [fr]
fließendes Schussbohrloch [de]
angle of vision [en]
skaði á hornhimnu
damage to cornea [en]
thyroid hormone [en]
skolunarvökvi fyrir nefhol og berkjur og lungnablöðrur
nasal or broncoalveolar lavage fluid [en]
broncho-alveolar lavage fluid [en]
Schleswig-Holstein [en]
sló úr hornum
horn cores [en]
angle of rotation [en]
drejningsvinkel [da]
staðlar um hollustuhætti og plöntuheilbrigði
sanitary and phytosanitary standards [en]
normes sanitaires et phytosanitaires [fr]
sanitäre und phytosanitäre Standards [de]
staðsetning á borholum
well-positioning service [en]
Stipa bavarica Martinovsky & H. Scholz
Stipa bavarica Martinovsky & H. Scholz [en]
Stipa bavarica Martinovsky & H. Scholz [la]
stjórnvöld á sérstjórnarsvæðinu Hong Kong
Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [en]
stoðþjónusta, tengd borholum
well-support service [en]
steering angle [en]
styrevinkel [da]
stýriskambur með breytilegu áfallshorni
variable incidence stabiliser [en]
sýking af völdum Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans og skjónakarpaherpesveiki
infection with Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans and Koi Herpes virus disease [en]
nisgler með holu
hollow slide [en]
sample [en]
specimen [en]
nishorn af vöru
commercial sample [en]
gums [en]
endodontics [en]
Thorella verticillatinundata (Thore) Brig.
Thorella verticillatinundata (Thore) Brig. [en]
Thorella verticillatinundata (Thore) Brig. [la]
Thymus camphoratus Hoffmanns & Link
Thymus camphoratus Hoffmanns & Link [en]
Thymus camphoratus Hoffmanns & Link [la]
Thymus capitellatus Hoffmanns & Link
Thymus capitellatus Hoffmanns & Link [en]
Thymus capitellatus Hoffmanns & Link [la]
til skilunar gegnum kviðarhol
til skiljunar gegnum kviðarhol
for transperitoneal dialysis [en]
petunia [en]
petunias [en]
petunier [da]
petunior [sæ]
petunia [fr]
Petunien [de]
Petunia [la]
Trichomanes speciosum Willd.
Trichomanes speciosum Willd. [en]
Trichomanes speciosum Willd. [la]
upprunalegt horf
original appearance [en]
útsláttarradíus afturhorns
rear swing-out [en]
udsvingsradius bagtil [da]
bakre utsvängning [sæ]
Ausschwenken des Fahrzeughecks [de]
vatnsþétt, þakið holrými
lined discrete cell [en]
Veronica micrantha Hoffmanns. & Link
Veronica micrantha Hoffmanns. & Link [en]
Veronica micrantha Hoffmanns. & Link [la]
vélar til borunar á borholum
well-drilling machinery [en]
viðaukasamningur um að samningurinn um framsal sakamanna skuli einnig ná til hinna dönsku og hollensku nýlendna, milli Íslands og Hollands
Supplementary Agreement to the Extradition Treaty of January 18th 1894, concerning its Extension to the Danish and Dutch Colonies, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
change in attitudes [en]
vinnslustýring borhola
well management [en]
nglingur með breytilegu áfallshorni
variable incidence canard [en]
vörumerkingar á sýnishornum
labelling on displays [en]
nishorn af vöru
trade sample [en]
Xanthosoma violaceum
blue tannia [en]
Xanthosoma violaceum [la]
Xanthosoma violaceum
blue taro [en]
Xanthosoma violaceum [la]
þjónusta við boranir í borholum
well-drilling service [en]
þjónusta við borholumælingar
well-logging service [en]
þjónusta við fóðrun í borholu
well-casing service [en]
þjónusta við prófanir á borholum
well-testing service [en]
þjónusta við röralagnir í borholu
well-tubing service [en]
þjónusta við steypingu borholu
well-cementing service [en]
þjónusta við vinnslustýringu borholna
well-management service [en]
angular diameter [en]
æðabelgskynhormónavaki manna
human chorion gonadotrophin [en]
human chorionic gonadotrophin [en]
HCG [en]
æðaholsviðgerð á kransæð
transluminal coronary angioplasty [en]
Öryggi og hollustuhættir á vinnustöðum, vinnuréttur og jafnrétti kynjanna
Health and Safety at Work, Labour Law and Equal Treatment for Men and Women [en]
öryggis- og hollusturáð námuiðnaðarins
Mines Safety and Health Commission [en]

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