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Hugtakasafn : Niðurstöður leitar að "olla"

aðgengilegt rafrænt tollakerfi
accessible electronic customs system [en]
almenna tollaívilnanakerfið
scheme of generalised tariff preferences [en]
almenna tollaívilnanakerfið í Bandalaginu
Community scheme of generalised tariff preferences [en]
Alþjóðastofnun til útgáfu tollalaga
International Customs Tariffs Bureau [en]
International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs [en]
ICTB [en]
Bureau international des tarifs douaniers, BITD [fr]
Internationales Büro für Zolltarife [de]
World Customs Organisation [en]
World Customs Organization [en]
WCO [en]
áhættustýringarkerfi fyrir tollamál
customs risk management system [en]
self-heal [en]
Prunella vulgaris [la]
bókun 11 um gagnkvæma aðstoð í tollamálum
Protocol 11 on mutual assistance in customs matters [en]
bókun 5 um fjáröflunartolla (Liechtenstein, Sviss)
Protocol 5 on customs duties of a fiscal nature (Switzerland/Liechtenstein) [en]
endurmyndun kollagens
remodelling of collagen [en]
fastanefnd ríkisstjórnar Hollands
Netherlands Standing Government Committee [en]
customs duties of a fiscal nature [en]
fríverslunarsamningur milli EFTA-ríkjanna og tollabandalags Suður-Afríkuríkja
Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and the SACU States [en]
Jurinea cyanoides (L.) Reichenb. [en]
Jurinea cyanoides (L.) Reichenb. [la]
hið almenna samkomulag um tolla og viðskipti (GATT), ásamt Genfarbókun frá 30. júní 1967
hið almenna samkomulag um tolla og viðskipti
GATT-samkomulagið frá 1947
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and Geneva Protocol of 30th June of 1967 [en]
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [en]
GATT 1947 [en]
hinn almenni samningur um tolla og viðskipti 1994
GATT-samningurinn frá 1994
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 [en]
GATT 1994 [en]
Holland (Niðurland)
Konungsríki Niðurlanda
Netherlands, the [en]
Kingdom of the Netherlands [en]
NL [en]
NLD [en]
Netherlands [en]
Nederlandene, Kongeriget Nederlandene [da]
Nederländerna, Konungariket Nederländerna [sæ]
les Pays-Bas, le Royaume des Pays-Bas [fr]
die Niederlande, das Königreich der Niederlande [de]
customs duties on import [en]
innheimta brúartolla
bridge toll service [en]
innheimta jarðgangatolla
tunnel toll service [en]
innheimta tolla
toll-collection service [en]
collagen [en]
kollagen til manneldis
collagen for human consumption [en]
loftflutningasamningur, milli Íslands og Hollands
Air Transport Agreement, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
lækkun tolla
lowering of customs [en]
miðlæg tollafgreiðsla
miðlæg afgreiðsla
centralised clearance [en]
centralized clearance [en]
miðlæg tollafgreiðsla á umbreytingartímabilinu
centralised clearance in the transitional period [en]
nefnd um rafræna vegatolla
Electronic Toll Committee [en]
niðurfellingarkerfi vegna tollaundanþáguákvæða
suspension system of the customs relief arrangements [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um gagnkvæma aðstoð í tollamálum
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters [en]
notkun upplýsingatækni í tollamálum
use of information technology for customs purposes [en]
brug af informationsteknologi på toldområdet [da]
l´emploi de l´informatique dans le domaine des douanes [fr]
óhollar neysluvenjur
unhealthy dietary habits [en]
Rana lessonae [en]
Rana lessonae [la]
rafrænt innheimtukerfi fyrir vegatolla
electronic toll collection system [en]
electronic toll collection [en]
automatic toll collection [en]
ETC [en]
automatic toll system [en]
elektronisk opkrævning af bompenge, automatisk bompengesystem, elektronisk bompengesystem [da]
rafræn tollafgreiðsla
e-customs [en]
rafrænt tollakerfi
electronic customs system [en]
ráðgjafarnefnd um tolla og óbeina skattlagningu
Advisory Committee on Customs and Indirect Taxation [en]
rekstrarsamhæft rafrænt tollakerfi
interoperable electronic customs system [en]
SAFE-rammaregluverk Alþjóðatollastofnunarinnar
WCO SAFE Framework of Standards [en]
sameiginleg gátt ESB fyrir tolla
EU Single Window Environment for Customs [en]
EU-kvikskrankemiljøet på toldområdet [da]
kontaktpunkten för tullen i EU [sæ]
samkomulag í formi orðsendingaskipta við Benelúx-löndin um gagnkvæma niðurfellingu tolla af tækjum sem notuð eru til afgreiðslu á flugvélum
Agreement with the Benelux Countries on the Abolition of Customs Duties on Aviation Equipment [en]
samkomulag við Benelúx-löndin um gagnkvæma niðurfellingu tolla af tækjum sem notuð eru til afgreiðslu á flugvélum, milli Íslands og Belgíu
Agreement with the Benelux Countries on the Abolition of Customs Duties on Aviation Equipment, between Iceland and Belgium [en]
samkomulag við Benelúx-löndin um gagnkvæma niðurfellingu tolla af tækjum sem notuð eru til afgreiðslu á flugvélum, milli Íslands og Hollands
Agreement with the Benelux Countries on the Abolition of Customs Duties on Aviation Equipment, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samkomulag við Benelúx-löndin um gagnkvæma niðurfellingu tolla af tækjum sem notuð eru til afgreiðslu á flugvélum, milli Íslands og Lúxemborgar
Agreement with the Benelux Countries on the Abolition of Customs Duties on Aviation Equipment, between Iceland and Luxembourg [en]
samningur til að komast hjá tvísköttun og koma í veg fyrir undanskot frá skattlagningu á tekjur og eignir, milli Íslands og Hollands
Convention for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and on Capital, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samningur um afnám aukatolla, milli Íslands og Portúgals
Agreement on abolishing Surtaxes, between Iceland and Portugal [en]
samningur um afnám frádráttarréttar, milli Íslands og Hollands
Agreement on the Abolition of Deduction Right, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samningur um alþjóðastofnun til að gefa út tollalög
Convention for the Creation of an International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs [en]
samningur um framsal sakamanna, milli Íslands og Hollands
Extradition Treaty, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samningur um gagnkvæma aðstoð í tollamálum, milli Íslands og Þýskalands
Agreement on mutual Assistance in Customs Matters, between Iceland and Germany [en]
samningur um gagnkvæma stjórnsýsluaðstoð í tollamálum
Agreement on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters [en]
samningur um miðlæga tollafgreiðslu að því er varðar skiptingu landsbundins innheimtukostnaðar sem haldið er eftir þegar hefðbundnar eigin tekjur eru lagðar fram til fjárlaga ESB
Convention on centralised customs clearance concerning the allocation of national collection costs retained when traditional own resources are made available to the EU budget [en]
samningur um samstarf og gagnkvæma aðstoð í tollamálum, milli Íslands og Póllands
Agreement on mutual Cooperation and Assistance in Custom Matters, between Iceland and Poland [en]
samningur um skuldbundna gerð, milli Íslands og Hollands
Convention on Obligatory Arbitration, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samningur um tollasamvinnuráð
Convention establishing a Customs Co-operation Council [en]
samningur um undanþágu frá herþjónustu, milli Íslands og Hollands
Agreement on Exemption from Military Service, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samningur um vináttu, gott samlyndi og verslun, milli Íslands og Hollands
Agreement on Friendship, Amity and Trade between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
samstarfsnefnd EB og Tyrklands um tollasamvinnu
EC-Turkey Customs Cooperation Committee [en]
samstarfssamningur Konungsríkisins Belgíu, Sambandslýðveldisins Þýskalands, Lýðveldisins Frakklands, Stórhertogadæmisins Lúxemborgar, Konungsríkisins Hollands, Lýðveldisins Ítalíu, Konungsríkisins Spánar, Lýðveldisins Portúgals, Lýðveldisins Grikklands, Lýðveldisins Austurríkis, Konungsríkisins Danmerkur, Lýðveldisins Finnlands, Konungsríkisins Svíþjóðar, sem eru aðilar að Schengen-samkomulaginu og Schengen-samningnum, og lýðveldisins Íslands og Konungsríkisins Noregs um afnám persónueftirlits á sameiginlegum landamærum
Cooperation Agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the Portuguese Republic, the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, Contracting Parties to the Schengen Agreement and to the Schengen Convention, and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway on the abolition of controls on persons at their common borders [en]
samþætt rafrænt tollakerfi
integrated electronic customs system [en]
sjálfvirk miðlæg tollafgreiðsla
automated centralised clearance [en]
Blechnaceae [en]
kambregne-familien [da]
kambräkenväxter [sæ]
Rippenfarngewächse [de]
Blechnaceae [la]
elution solution [en]
rinsing solution [en]
staðbundin tollafgreiðsla
local clearance procedure [en]
stefnuhópur tollamála
Customs Policy Group [en]
stjórnarsvið skattamála og tollabandalags
stjórnarsvið skattamála og tollabandalags hjá framkvæmdastjórninni
Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union [en]
DG Taxation and Customs Union [en]
European Commission Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union [en]
TAXUD [en]
Generaldirektoratet for Beskatning og Toldunion [da]
generaldirektoratet för skatter och tullar [sæ]
direction générale de la fiscalité et de l´union douanière [fr]
Generaldirektion Steuern und Zollunion [de]
stjórnsýsluaðstoð í tollamálum
administrative assistance in customs matters [en]
purple viper´s bugloss seed [en]
Echium plantagineum [la]
customs bond [en]
customs union [en]
tollabandalag Suður-Afríkuríkja
Southern African Customs Union [en]
SACU [en]
change in tariff rates [en]
cleared through customs [en]
customs clearance [en]
customs clearance of goods [en]
dédouanement [fr]
Abfertigung [de]
duty mechanism [en]
tariff equivalent [en]
tariff preferences [en]
tariff concession [en]
tariff system [en]
Customs Code Committee [en]
tollalaganefnd - deild sem fjallar um tollferla sem hafa efnahagsleg áhrif
Customs Code Committee - Section for Customs procedures with economic impact [en]
tariff reduction [en]
Customs Code [en]
tollalög Bandalagsins
Community Customs Code [en]
customs legislation [en]
tollalög Sambandsins
Union Customs Code [en]
customs matters [en]
tolla- og viðskiptasamningur
tariff and trade agreement [en]
tollar á útfluttar vörur
customs duties on exports [en]
customs regulations [en]
customs rules [en]
tollasamningur um ATA-ábyrgðarskjöl fyrir innflutning á vörum um stundarsakir
Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods [en]
ATA Convention [en]
tollasamningur varðandi hlunnindi vegna innflutnings á vörum til kynningar eða notkunar á sýningum o.fl.
Customs Convention concerning Facilities for the Importation of Goods for Display or use at Exhibitions, Fairs, Meetings or Similar Events [en]
tollasamningur varðandi innflutning um stundarsakir á atvinnutækjum
Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Professional Equipment [en]
customs cooperation [en]
customs co-operation [en]
Customs Cooperation Council [en]
Customs Co-operation Council [en]
CCC [en]
customs document [en]
obligation with regard to customs duties [en]
töflur tolla- og skattayfirvalda
Customs and Excise tables [en]
viðaukasamningur um að samningurinn um framsal sakamanna skuli einnig ná til hinna dönsku og hollensku nýlendna, milli Íslands og Hollands
Supplementary Agreement to the Extradition Treaty of January 18th 1894, concerning its Extension to the Danish and Dutch Colonies, between Iceland and the Netherlands [en]
wollastonite [en]
vöruflokkunarkerfi tollasamvinnuráðsins
Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature [en]
Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature [en]
CCCN [en]
það að vera tollafgreiddur
clearance through customs [en]

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