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Hugtakasafn : Niðurstöður leitar að "relativ"

relative significance
afstæð merking [is]
relative bearing
afstæð miðun [is]
relativ pejling [da]
relativ bäring [sæ]
gisement [fr]
Richtung zu einem Objekt, Zielort, relative Peilung [de]
ascendant relative
eldra skyldmenni [is]
Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War
Genfarsamningur um meðferð stríðsfanga [is]
Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War
Genfarsamningur um vernd almennra borgara á stríðstímum [is]
relative error
hlutfallsfrávik [is]
relative electric energy change
hlutfallsleg breyting á raforku [is]
relative prosperity
hlutfallsleg hagsæld [is]
relative lateral displacement
hlutfallsleg hliðarfærsla [is]
relative translation shift
hlutfallsleg hliðrun [is]
relative increase in cell counts
hlutfallsleg hækkun frumutölu [is]
relative eccentricity
hlutfallsleg miðjuskekkja [is]
relative standard error
hlutfallsleg staðalvilla [is]
relative standard deviation
hlutfallslegt staðalfrávik [is]
relative population doubling
hlutfallsleg tvöföldun hóps [is]
relativ populationsfordobling [da]
relativ populationsfördubblingstid [sæ]
mesure du doublement relatif de la population [fr]
relative density
hlutfallslegur eðlismassi [is]
relativ densitet, relativ volumar masse, relativ tæthed, relativ massefylde, relativ massetæthed, specifik tyngdekraft [da]
densitet [sæ]
densité, densité relative, poids specifique [fr]
relative Dichte [de]
relative cell viability
hlutfallslegur lífvænleiki frumna [is]
relative stability
hlutfallslegur stöðugleiki [is]
relative response factor
hlutfallslegur svörunarstuðull [is]
REP factor
relative potency factor
hlutfallslegur virknistuðull [is]
relative pressure
hlutfallslegur þrýstingur [is]
relative confidence range
hlutfallsleg vikmörk [is]
relative potency
hlutfallsleg virkni [is]
relative proportion
innbyrðis hlutföll [is]
quantity relative
magnhlutfall [is]
mængdeindeks [da]
rapport de quantités [fr]
Mengenmessziffer [de]
incapacitated relative
óvinnufær ættingi [is]
relative humidity
rakastig [is]
relativ fugtighed [da]
relativ luftfuktighet [sæ]
molecular mass
relative molecular mass
molecular weight
sameindamassi [is]
molekylmasse, molekylvægt [da]
molekylvikt [sæ]
masse moléculaire, poids moléculaire [fr]
Molekülmasse [de]
molecular weight
relative molecular mass
relative molar mass
sameindaþyngd [is]
sameindamassi [is]
molekylvægt, molekylevægt [da]
molekylvikt [sæ]
masse moléculaire, poids moléculaire, masse moléculaire relative [fr]
relative Molekülmasse, relative molare Masse, Atomgewicht, Formelgewicht, Molekulargewicht, relatives Molekulargewicht [de]
correlative data
samsvarandi gögn [is]
Convention relative to the Conversion of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak of Hostilities
sáttmáli um hverja deild skal gera kaupskipum óvinaríkis er stríð hefst [is]
Convention relative to the Laying of Automatic Submarine Contact Mines
sáttmáli um lagningu neðansjávardufla er springa við árekstur [is]
Convention relative to the Opening of Hostilities
sáttmáli um upphaf stríðs [is]
Convention relative to Certain Restrictions with regard to the Exercise of the Right of Capture in Naval War
sáttmáli um vissar takmarkanir á framkvæmd hertökuréttarins í sjóhernaði [is]
Convention relative to the Conversion of Merchant Ships into Warships
sáttmáli varðandi breytingu á kaupskipum í herskip [is]
skyldmenni [is]
nullity relative
takmörkuð ógilding [is]
price relative
verðhlutfall [is]
relatives in the ascending order
ættingjar af eldri kynslóð [is]
relatives in the direct ascending line
ættmenni að feðgatali [is]
relatives in the descending line
ættmenni að niðjatali [is]

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