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Hugtakasafn : Eitt hugtak
feed chain
animal fødekæde, animal foderkæde
chaîne alimentaire animale, filière alimentaire animale
tierische Nahrungskette
[is] Eftir því sem við á skal víkka áhættumatið út þannig að það nái til annarra sendinga á sömu afurð eða afurðum í fóður- eða matvælaferlinu sem gætu innihaldið óæskileg efni eða sú hætta gæti verið til staðar og skal taka mið af því að óæskilegum efnum kann að hafa verið blandað í aðrar afurðir, ætlaðar í fóður, og að hættulegar afurðir kunna að hafa verið endurunnar í fóður.

[en] Where appropriate, the risk assessment shall be extended to other consignments of the same product or to other products in the feed or food chain which might contain undesirable substances or in respect of which such a hazard might exist, taking into account any admixture of the undesirable substances in other products for animal nutrition and possible recycling of dangerous products into the feed chain.

[en] all those processes, products and activities which relate to animal feed1, its production and handling, and the rules which (directly or indirectly) ensure that it is safe and fit for consumption by animals, especially meat and dairy animals which will subsequently enter the human food chain (IATE)

[is] Tilskipun Evrópuþingsins og ráðsins 2001/46/EB frá 23. júlí 2001 um breytingu á tilskipun ráðsins 95/53/EB um setningu meginreglna um skipulag opinberra skoðana á sviði dýrafæðu og breytingu á tilskipunum 70/524/EBE, 96/25/EB og 1999/29/EB um dýrafæðu

[en] Directive 2001/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2001 amending Council Directive 95/53/EC fixing the principles governing the organisation of official inspections in the field of animal nutrition and Directives 70/524/EEC, 96/25/EC and 1999/29/EC on animal nutrition

Skjal nr.
[is] Þetta hugtak er hliðstæða ,matvælaferlisins´, en tekur eingöngu til fóðurs fyrir dýr, allt frá framleiðslu til áts/notkunar.

[en] A food chain [ IATE:782928 ] starts with plants and ends with animals (in the broad sense, including humans), so all food chains are animal food chains and this term is seldom used, as food chain is sufficient to express the concept. Where the animal at the top of the food chain is human, the food chain can be referred to as a human food chain [ IATE:1870692 ].

The term animal feed chain refers to the chain of inputs ultimately resulting in animal feed, which is obviously part of the food chain (as animal feed is fed to animals) and, in the case of farm animals, often part of the human food chain (as the animal feed is fed to animals whose meat or milk will be consumed by humans).

While animal food chain is sometimes used as a synonym for animal feed chain, this usage is not recommended, as it suggests a food chain with an animal (in the narrow sense, excluding humans) at the top, rather than a chain culminating in animal feed.

Food fed to farm animals is generally referred to as (animal) feed, feedstuff, feedingstuff or fodder, rather than animal food (although the food fed to pets is pet food, not pet feed!). (IATE)

ENSKA annar ritháttur
animal feed chain
animal food chain

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