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Hugtakasafn þýðingamiðstöðvar utanríkisráðuneytisins

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Hugtakasafn : Niðurstöður leitar að "andas"

áframhaldandi gildi flugrekandaskírteinis
continued validity of an AOC [en]
breyting á flugrekandaskírteini
variation of an AOC [en]
variation of an air operator certificate [en]
ændring af en AOC [da]
ändring av ett drifttillstånd [sæ]
air operator certificate [en]
AOC [en]
air operator''s certificate [en]
illgresiseyðar sem standast ekki forskriftir
herbicides which are off-specification [en]
international voyage [en]
international telephone call [en]
international switching equipment [en]
samningur Norðurlanda
Agreement between the Nordic Countries [en]
Norðurlandasamningur til að komast hjá tvísköttun arfs og gjafafjár
Agreement between the Nordic Countries for the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Inheritance and Gifts [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um aðstoð í skattamálum
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Cooperation in Tax Matters [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um almannaskráningu
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Registration of the General Public [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um almannatryggingar
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Social Security [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um félagslega aðstoð og félagslega þjónustu
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Social Assistance and Social Care Service [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um gagnkvæma aðstoð í tollamálum
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um gagnkvæma dómsmálaaðstoð
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Mutual Legal Assistance [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um haffæri skipa og skipsbúnað
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Seaworthiness of Vessels and Ship Equipment [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um innheimtu meðlaga
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Collection of Child Maintenance [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um norrænt menntunarsamfélag á framhaldsskólastigi
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Nordic Secondary School Education Society [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um reglur varðandi viðurkenningu á rétthæfingarskeiði o.fl. vegna réttar til dagpeninga fyrir þá sem tryggðir eru gegn atvinnuleysi
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Rules for Recognition of Periods of Legal Capacity etc. concerning the Right to Per Diem Allowance of those who are insured against Unemployment [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um réttarstöðu samnorrænna stofnana og starfsfólks þeirra
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Legal Position of Pan Nordic Agencies and their Employees [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um rétt norrænna ríkisborgara til að nota eigin tungu í öðru norrænu landi
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on the Right of Nationals of the Nordic Countries to use their own Tongue in another Nordic Country [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um sameiginlegan vinnumarkað kennara í bóklegum greinum, list- og verkmennta- og íþróttakennara í framhaldsskólum
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Common Labour Market for Secondary School Teachers who teach Academic Subjects, Arts and Vocational Subjects and Gymnastics and Sports [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um sameiginlegan vinnumarkað kennara í bóklegum greinum, list- og verkmennta- og íþróttakennara og sérkennara í grunnskólum
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Common Labour Market for Elementary School Teachers who teach Academic Subjects, Arts and Vocational Subjects and Gymnastics and Sports [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um samstarf á sviði menningarmála
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Cultural Cooperation [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um samstarf stjórnvalda og stofnana á sviði starfsendurhæfingar og starfsmenntunar
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Administrative Cooperation and Cooperation among Government Agencies in the Fields of Vocational Rehabilitation and Training [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um tækni- og iðnþróunarsjóð
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Technology and Industrial Development Fund [en]
Norðurlandasamningur um vinnuvernd
Agreement between the Nordic Countries on Employment Protection [en]
goldstripe sardinella [en]
Sardinella gibbosa [la]
white trevally [en]
sølvtrevalle [da]
gulbandad hästmakrill [sæ]
Neuseeländische Stachelmakrele [de]
Pseudocaranx dentex [la]
common two-banded seabream [en]
tobåndet havrude, tvebåndet havrude [da]
tobåndet havrude [sæ]
Diplodus vulgaris [la]
varnarefni sem standast ekki forskriftir
waste pesticides which are off-specification [en]

33 niðurstöður fundust.

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